Chapter 11. Seige of Port Daglen

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Later, just before nightfall, the dockworkers head for home, as Aqua slowly snaps the ropes on one of the ships and carefully pulls it from the dock. Aqua swim with it far enough out to sea that no one would hear her sink it. Just as she gets far enough out, she jumps and breaks through the deck, busting a hole all the way through the ship. She hurries quickly to join the others as they pull into the dock. Aqua changes into her human form, A short, blue-haired woman in a modest blue robe, much like Odamous' black robe.

"Are you a mage too?" Juliana asks.

Aqua nods. "Nowhere near Odamous, but I am capable of controlling storms."

Lion cracks his knuckles. "So, how are we doing this?"

"Hawk, track them down for me please." Juliana asks.

Hawk nods and flies off quickly to the most likely place they could be, a large castle on a hill.

"Aqua, would you guard the ship?" Juliana asks.

Aqua bows. "As you wish, my lady."

Monkey looks curious. "What do you want Rabbit and I to do?"

"Do you want to stay with Aqua, knock anyone out that gives her trouble?" 

Monkey nods excitedly. "Sounds like fun!"

"Just knocking them out, Monkey, don't hurt them too bad." Serpent reiterates.

Monkey huffs. "Fine."

Rabbit scratches her ear with her hide leg, then nods.

"Odamous, Serpent, Lion, Wolf, we wait for Hawk and then move fast. I want them all alive and bound before me. As for my brother, do not be gentle, but I still want him to be able to answer to me." Juliana orders.

"Who all do you want before you?" Odamous asks.

Juliana looks him seriously in the eyes. "Everyone that resists you."

Hawk flies back quickly and screeches to Wolf.

"She says the prisoners are in the far east tower, and your brother is in the main hall with another man and some servants." Wolf points to the locations.

"Serpent, free the prisoners. Wolf, take all the guards. Lion, keep anyone from escaping the main hall." Juliana turns to Odamous. "Take me to my brother."

Wolf changes into his animal form and howls.

Lion does the same and roars, shaking the whole town.

Serpent jumps from the ship and runs off, followed closely by Wolf and Lion. Odamous picks Juliana up and flies towards the main hall.

Within minutes, they have reached the castle. The guards are quickly surprised and knocked out as Wolf and Lion run through the castle. Serpent breaks off, leaping up a staircase to the east tower. Once Lion and Wolf reach the main hall, they burst through the door, splintering it into pieces. 

"What tha?!!" Ehrlich shouts as he draws a sword.

Lion leaps at him, as Ehrlich swings, hitting him in the face. A drop of blood falls to the floor. Wolf moves quickly and rounds up the servents and master, herding them into a corner, far away from any windows. He snarls and snaps at them, keeping them in check.

A scar bleeds from Lion's face as he snaps the sword with his mouth. He growls at Ehrlich, knocking him down and placing a heavy paw on his chest, restricting his breathing.

Odamous breaks a window and floats in, setting Juliana down gently.

"Sis..ter?" Ehrlich coughs.

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