Chapter 12. Be Prepared

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After some considerable cleanup and organization, the King successfully makes the Kingdom of Malcrave a livable environment. Before doing anything else, the King calls for a dinner to be prepared for the seven mythical creatures. 

The chief seamstress makes considerable effort to make proper outfits for each of them. She starts with the most cooperative, being Odamous, Serpent, and Aqua. They put up no resistance as Odamous is made a black and gold robe, not his exact taste, but again he makes no argument. Serpent is.. curious about the craft, and after a beautiful green dress is made for her, she insists on staying to watch. Aqua is very nervous being touched and measured, often jumping and gasping at little motions. Eventually, the seamstress successfully makes her a light blue dress, that fits well. 

The seamstress looks at Serpent. "Who do you think would be best to start with next?"

Serpent thinks. "Wolf, probably."

Wolf is called in, and the seamstress is in awe at the sight of his body. Wolf blushes nervously as the seamstress takes a considerable amount of time measuring him. He looks even more uncomfortable as Serpent silently laughs at him. Ultimately the seamstress finishes and makes him a dark blue suit with a jacket. 

Wolf looks it over and smile. "Well worth the time, I love it!"

The seamstress smiles, blushing. "If you ever need anything else, my lord, do not necessitate to seek me out."

"Absolutely!" Wolf hurries out of the room, uncomfortably.

Serpent is rolling over laughing in her head, although she seems completely calm on the outside.

"Who is next, my lady?" The seamstress asks.

Serpent thinks. "Oh, I guess Lion would be the best next person..."

Lion is called in, as the seamstress eyes him with lustfully. Unlike Wolf, however, Lion is a confident individual and takes great pleasure in being treated well. He posses and flexes as stream comes from the seamstress' mouth. She has to take long with him, as his muscles would rip any normal outfit, however enjoying every minute.

"You are a great help, Sir Lion." The seamstress says.

"I try to be helpful." Lion smiles.

After some doing, and some borderline discomfort for Serpent, the seamstress completes a dark red and gold suit, no jacket, for Lion.

Lion looks it over. "Nice fit. I am happy such a beautiful woman was able to make this for me. I will treasure it."

The seamstress blushes wildly. "You flirt!" She lightly slaps his arm, laughing.

Lion winks. "See you next time." Lion walks out, to the great visual pleasure of the seamstress.

Serpent clears her throat. "The next two are children, so please keep in mind, I may have to help you more."

The seamstress shakes her head wildly, snapping back from a daydream. "I understand completely."

Little did she understand the absolute chaos these two children were capable of. Monkey began by trying to avoid both of them, hanging from the ceiling and jumping about, until Serpent shouted at him and made his standstill. His outfit consisted of brown shorts and a jacket. Rabbit, however, was the absolute worst, unwilling to stand still, be touched in any way, and running on all fours around the room, knocking over countless things. Eventually, Serpent had to ask Juliana to join them, as she was the only person Rabbit will behave for. Her outfit is a simple white dress, which looks lovely on her.

"What about Hawk?" Juliana asks.

Serpent waves her hand. "She would insist on staying in animal form. As I said before, she thinks it is more restricting than her animal form."

The seamstress collapses into a nearby chair, breathing heavily. "Are we done?"

"Yes, thank you very much." Serpent bows.

The seamstress waves her hand. "No problem." She passes out, exhausted.

Serpent and Juliana walk out of the room, followed closely by Monkey and Rabbit. 

Serpent stops and turns back quickly, glaring at Monkey and Rabbit. "What was that?!"

Monkey rears back, nervously. "I got excited..."

"That is no excuse to be rude!" Serpent growls as she turns to Rabbit. "And you, you are usually so well behaved! What happened?!"

Rabbit looks sad as she points at Monkey.

Serpent sighs. "I am so very sorry for their misbehavior, my lady. I would not blame you if you punished them."

Juliana looks at Monkey and Rabbit, as she kneels down in front of them. "Your actions reflect on me. If you misbehave, I look like a negligent host as a princess."

Tears flow into the eyes of Monkey and Rabbit as they look up at her. 

"We are sorry.. We will behave!" Monkey sobs.

Rabbit nods in agreement.

Juliana pats them on the head. "Good!" Juliana stands with a smile.

"Amazing!" Serpent says, surprised, as they walk down the hall. "They gave in to you so easily!"

"Nothing too spectacular about it, I have always been good with children." Juliana replies.

Monkey and Rabbit follow closely behind her, as Serpent notices the smile on Rabbit's face.

Serpent leans into Juliana and whispers. "Perhaps you can get Rabbit to talk."

Juliana smiles gently. "In her own time, Serpent, she will find her voice on her own." Juliana pats Rabbit on the head.

Monkey looks up questioningly. "Do you think I could grow up to be like Wolf and Lion?"

Serpent begins to answer, sarcastically, but Juliana cuts her off. "Why be like someone else, when you can be a better you?"

Monkey stops and looks at the floor. "Because they are strong enough to protect you..."

Juliana and Serpent stop and look concerned at each other. Juliana can feel the tension building, as she gently lifts Monkey's face to look at her. "A wolf is loyal to his pack, a lion is fierce and unyielding, but do you know what a monkey can do that they can not?"

Monkey looks curiously into Juliana's eyes. "What?.."

"A monkey is cunning, energetic, acrobatic, and when push comes to shove a monkey can be the scariest animal on earth. You have much more potential inside you than you give yourself credit for.  Do not look to others for your goals.." Juliana points to Monkey's chest. "Look inside your heart for your future."

Monkey smiles wide, his eye light up with hope. 

Juliana smiles back. "There is a happy smile. It suits you."

Monkey blushes slightly as he marches down the hall, happily.

Rabbit yelps, almost in a raspy whisper, as she follows quickly.

Serpent hears this and pats Juliana on the shoulder. "Was that a voice?!"

Juliana nods. "She will be talking before you know it, she just needs time."

They meet Odamous, Wolf, Lion, and Aqua, who are standing uncomfortably outside a large double door.

Juliana steps forward and puts her hands on the doors, turning back to look at them. "Everyone ready?"

Everyone nods nervously.

"Don't worry, they will love you, like I do." Juliana pushes open the doors, as a flash of light reveals a huge ballroom full of people.

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