Chapter 22. Divide and Conquer, Part 3

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Inside what looks to be a cave, a portal opens and through it falls Serpent and Aqua, landing onto a stone floor. Serpent lands on Aqua, in a precarious position. 

Aqua opens her eyes to see Serpent's butt in her face. "Um, Miss Serpent, could you get off of me?"

Serpent leaps up, brushing her hair out of her face. "Sorry about that."

Aqua slowly gets up. "Not really an issue, just uncomfortable." She looks around the dimly lite cavern. "Where are we?"

Serpent looks around, feeling the nearby wall. "This seems to be an underground labyrinth.." Serpent sticks out her forked tongue, in human form. "I smell graphite, clay,... scales? SCALES!"

Aqua looks around nervously. "Is.. she here?!"

Serpent shakes her head. "I know her smell, this is something else."

 They slowly and cautiously make their way down the tunnel until they reach a large open space. Serpent and Aqua peek around, trying to stay out of sight.

"You might as well come out. I can smell you from here." A rough, deep voice echos through the cavern.

Serpent motions to Aqua to wait before stepping out. "You have a unique smell about you also."

A large lizard emerges from a tunnel on the opposite side of the open cavern. He laughs. "Well well, isn't this a special surprise."

Serpent looks the lizard over. "What are you doing here, Behemoth?"

He smiles. "Does an old man need a reason to see an old friend?"

Serpent puts her hand on her hip, thoughtfully. "Were we ever friends? If I remember correctly, you left with the Queen when she killed those humans."

Behemoth nods. "A regrettable misjudgment on my part."

Serpent forcefully points her finger at him. "Then what was the reason for you being here?"

Behemoth looks away. "Originally, my orders were to kill you and the sea serpent..."

Aqua shivers in fear hidden behind the corner.

Serpent looks up questioningly.

"But!" He continues. "I am one of the original twelve beasts, next to Odamous and the Queen, you and I are the oldest."

"Must you remind me of my age?" Serpent asks, annoyed.

Behemoth laughs. "One of the few things that bring me joy anymore. All that aside, I wish to change my allegiance. I will gladly bow to any punishment our King might see fit."

Serpent crosses her arms. "What guarantee do I have that you tell us the truth."

Behemoth glances at the corner where Aqua is hiding. "Because I know the ONLY way to beat the Queen."

Serpent looks more skeptical than before. "Only one way?"

 Behemoth nods. "Do you really think I followed her to be ordered around like a damn dog?! Hell no! I was searching for a way to beat her once and for all!" He rolled his eyes. "Aqua, sweety, you can stop cowering behind there."

Aqua peeks her head out. "Serpent?"

"Might as well." Serpent motions for Aqua to approach.

Aqua slowly approaches. As she does, Behemoth notices an ora emanating from her.

"Young lady, what is your blessing?" He asks.

"Storm.. magic.." Aqua replies.

Behemoth leans his head down. "I see much more potential than simple storm magic, and it appears Odamous had the same idea."

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