Falling Fast...Or Maybe Jumping??

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Louis' P.O.V.

It's been three days since the interview...and the kiss. After that, we've become a lot closer. In public, we easily act like a couple. It's effortless for me because I think I may actually be falling in love.

Mal's mum called yesterday to tell us our flat would be ready in a week, as it had to be painted and all the furniture had to be moved in and placed. We got to take a peek of it and it was magnificent. Living with Mal wouldn't be a bad thing after all...at least that's how it looked like it would turn out.

I was laying in my bed, not able to fall asleep. I was thinking about everything that was going on; the kiss, the flat, the marraige. I looked at the clock: 2:32. I groaned and rolled out of bed. A warm glass of milk always helped me go to sleep. I tiptoed downstairs and to the kitchen to find Niall asleep on the floor hugging a bag of pretzels. First of all, how did Niall get in here. Second, why was he asleep on the floor. Whatever.

After I heated up my glass, I sat down on the couch and sipped my milk. I switched the TV on to some gossip show and saw none other than Eleanor Calder sitting and talking with an interviewer. What the hell?

"So, El, there are rumors that YOU cheated on Louis Tomlinson, your ex boyfriend and member of One Direction." The interviewer and everybody in the audience leaned in to hear her answer. She had a disgusted, yet innocent, look on her face.

"I would never!" She gasped, holding her chest. "Louis cheated on ME with that slut he calls his fiancee!" There were a series of gasps from the interviewer and the audience.

"Well, you heard it here first! Have a nice night, London." I turned to the television off and gulped down my milk. I didn't bother putting my glass in the sink, I just set it down on the table and stormed upstairs. As soon as I laid my head on my pillow, I was out like a light.

When I woke up the next morning, I hopped in the shower and put some clothes on. I walked downstairs to find only Mallory awake. She smiled at me when I walked downstairs. She was drinking milk and looking at a magazine.

"Hey," she was wide awake. I sat down next to her and she set her magazine down. I saw the cover and it had her engagement ring all over it. She must've saw me looking at it because she said "We're all over everything."

I shrugged. "Wanna head to Starbucks?" She grinned and nodded as we got up and I grabbed my keys. We headed out to the car and I opened the door for her. She slipped in and I closed it behind her and headed to my side.

During the drive, we passed a car of teenage girls who all screamed when they passed us. I chuckled and waved. At a stoplight, they threw a marker and a shirt through my window, so I guessed I should sign it. After I did, I threw it back and they screamed. Mal interwined her fingers with mine and they all shot her daggers. She just shurgged and kissed my cheek.

Once we finally arrived at Starbucks, she ordered a pumkin spice latte and I got green tea. We chatted as we drank our drinks. We also shared a pastry, so we nibbled on that as we talked. We were enjoying our little outing when I got a call from Liam.

"Hey, Li, what's up." I said.

"Lou, could you guys get home, like now?" His voice sounded kind of worried.

"Uh, sure, what's up?" Mal gave me a worried look, I guess she could tell something was going on. "I'll just tel you when you get home." We said our good byes and hung up. Before we left, we each got another cup of coffee.

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