Believe It

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Mallory's P.O.V.

Rob?! What the hell is he doing here.

"Mallory, I found out where this party was! I still love you!" He ran to me and kissed me. I pulled away. Louis stepped in and pushed him away, bringing me into his arms.

"GET OUT! GO AWAY FROM MY ENGAGEMENT PARTY." I screamed and he tried to kiss me again. I got out of Lou's arms and slapped him across his face. "DON'T YOU DARE! GET OUT! I'M IN LOVE WITH SOMEBODY ELSE." I roared and he looked taken back. Louis walked up and punched him in the nose. He stepped back and apparently somebody called the cops because they cuffed Rob. I ran back to Louis and he wrapped me in a hug. I kissed him and we turned around.

Soon afterwards, the people started coming in. We greeted every single person. The first people there were our familes, then the lads and Simon, and hundreds of other people. I saw the gift table out of the corner of my eye. Oh, so that's why Jay didn't get me anything to cook with.

A girl with high heels on and brown hair came towards Lou and I, taking us both into a hug. "Hii!" She squealed and Louis chuckled. "Oh, sorry, I'm Cher! I was on the X-Factor with the boys" Ohh! I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, I love your music!" She smiled and hugged me again. We had a nice little conversation, but then she ran off to Harry. I raised my eyebrow at that and said "Aww!"

Zayn and who I'm guessing is his girlfriend Perrie. She hugged me and Zayn kissed my forehead. I then greeted the rest of the lads. I also got to meet Danielle, Liam's girlfriend.

"Alright! A toast to the happy couple!" Mum said as she tapped her glass with her silverware. I beamed and Louis wrapped his arm around me. "Good luck to you, love birds!" I giggled and kissed Lou's nose. Everybody tapped their glass and we heard lots of people shout "Kiss! Kiss!" I giggled and we kissed. One word; sparks.

After a few hours, the party died down. Many people left already, but some were still here. I saw both families, all the boys, Cher, Simon, and a few other people. We decided to head out, as it was getting pretty late and we were getting pretty tired.

We waved goodbye to everyone and walked over to Lou's car. When we started driving, I just sighed. "Wow." was all I said and he nodded. We drove the rest of the way in silence.

Once we were back home, I just lost it. I was crying uncontrollably. Louis ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead. "Shh, it's okay, love." He took his arms off of me and ran to the kitchen, coming back thirty seconds later with two carrots, one already with a bite taken out. I laughed and took one when he handed it to me. We ate our carrots and turned on a movie. "LION KING!" Louis screamed and I agreed.

I woke up the next morning discovering I fell asleep watching the Lion King. Louis was still asleep, so I got up and tiptoed into the kitchen. "Wow." I whispered, looking at my selection of food. I finally decided on making tea, french toast, and eggs. When it was finished, I took a plate to Louis and held it right near his face, letting him smell it.

"FOOD!" He shot up, seeing what I had in my hand. I started laughing and he gave me a confused look as he took the plate from my hands and went to the island in the kitchen.

We ate out food and it was amazing. I made another kettle of tea and we walked outside onto the beach to drink it. "Watcha wanna do today?" I asked him. He shrugged then a grin formed on his face. "What?!" I yelled and giggled at the same time.

"We...ARE GOING TO IRELAND!" He screamed and ran into the house. What the fuck? He ran back outside two minutes later with his laptop. He started typing furiously. "Why are we going to-"

"Because! Niall went home last night after the party to see his family. We are going to visit him. And anyways, you NEED to it there!" He didn't even look up from his computer. "GO START PACKING CITIZEN!" He yelled and I giggled as I kissed his cheek. I walked inside and up the stairs, thinking about what we'll pack.

Louis' P.O.V.

Mwahaha. We aren't actually going to Ireland. I'm taking her to New York for a week then to California for a few days. She'll love it! I smiled at my sneakiness as I booked our flights and hotel rooms. I looked at the time on my watch and saw the date. Oh shit! It's her birthday in a few days! What should I get her?

I looked on my computer for a while until becoming satisfied with the presents I have decided on. A Macbook Pro on her birthday, in NYC, and then, once we get back from our trip, a puppy! I smiled to myself at my accomplishment. Nicely done, Louis, nicely done.

"Hey, babe!" She shouted and I walked to the door. "How long will we be gone?"

"10 days!" I shouted back. I had booked our flight to leave tomorrow, so I should probably pack, too.

After about an hour, we were both packed. The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs. When I opened the door, I saw a man with a huge truck and a handfull of presents. "Umm, sir, we have about 75 different gifts here." I nodded and helped him carry them in. After he left, I decided to start getting to work. When Mal came down her eyes widened at the sight of all of these.

"I'll open them, you write the thank you notes." I said and she nodded. The first one I opened was a set of silverware. Then some jewelry, and bowls, and pots, and mixers, and more, and more, and more stuff. Once we were finally finished, she ran to the post office to get these all mailed off.

I heard my phone ring and I saw that it was Simon. "Hey, Uncle Si, what's up?"

"Hello, Louis, we have scheduled your tour."


"You'll be leaving in 2 weeks." I froze. Two weeks to spend with Mallory? I mean, yea we are going on this trip, but still...


"Louis, I know what you're thinking, but Mallory with be filming for Catching Fire while you're gone." That made me feel a lot better.

"Alright Simon. Bye" I hung up and ran my hands through my hair. I can't just leave her hear for who knows how long. I sighed and got up, walking over the fridge for a cup of tea.

"Hey babe!" She said as she walked trough the door, walking over to me and kissing my cheek.

"Hey..." I sighed and looked down. She gave me a concerned look and I kissed her passionately. "We're leaving for tour in two weeks for a few months" Her eyes filled with tears but she still smiled.

"That's okay, Lou! We'll still spend ten days in Ireland together!" she said with a grin. She has no idea...

i do...wait, what?! || louis tomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now