Changing Tides

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Louis' P.O.V.

"El?" I croak out I couldn't say anything else. The tears started welling up in my eyes. Here she was, undressed, in bed with a man I've never seen before. She immeadiately stopped giggling and opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off. "SAVE IT ELEANOR! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" I roared. The tears started forming in her eyes.

"Lou, I-I..." she couldn't decide what to say.

"Let me save your breath. We're done." I spun on my heels and started to walk out of the door.

"Louis!" She cried. "Wait! I love you! This was a mistake! Please forgive me!!!"

"Eleanor, this wasn't a mistake, if you loved me this wouldn't have happened. I want everything I gave you from jewelry to clothes in a box on my front door TOMORROW." I was fuming. I walked out of her flat that she rents from me. I get in my car and slam the door. I get out my phone and start typing furiously. You're evicted. Be out by the end of the week. I pressed send and Eleanor immeadiately texted back. That's not fair! I still love you!

"God, she's stubborn." I muttered and typed Cheating on someone isn't fair and, Eleanor, I don't love you. I slammed my foot on the pedal and sped off.

Mallory P.O.V.

After Louis left, I decided I should go tell Rob. I drove to his house which took about twenty minutes. When I got there, I knocked on the door. He opened and immeadiately begin to make out with me. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "Did you pull away?" He began to make out with me again, but I stepped back. He shook his head, then smacked me across my face. He stuck his hand up my dress and I kicked him in, manly spot. I ran and screamed "We're over!" and he tried to chase after me, but I was too quick. I drove off, not realizing my bloody nose until I got home. I cleaned it up and yelled for Mum. "Mum!!" I cried and ran to her where she responded. "Mummy! Rob slapped me." I sobbed. "He did it when I broke up with him!" I cried into her shirt as she called the police. When I pulled away from her hug, I realized what she was doing when I ran upstairs.

She must have noticed me looking around. "You're moving in with Lou, Mallory."

"Wh-when?" I sighed. "Tonight." She responded and took me into a hug. "Mal, they want you to go the hospital to get checked out. Come on, I'll drive." During the drive, she started telling me about the flat we have. "Oh, it's wonderful! It's on the coast, oceanfront, with 4 bedrooms! It's got everything, honey, you'll love it! Tomorrow, Jay and I are taking you furniture and decor shopping!" I nodded. I didn't care at this point.

When we got to the hospital, I waited forever. After about an hour of waiting, Louis showed up because Mum was getting tired. I kissed her cheek and she left.

"Hi." Louis sat next to me on the couch. I could tell he was just as sad and mad as I was. I looked into his crystal blue eyes and he stared right back into mine, and we both started to cry. I pulled him into a hug and we just sat there, hugging and crying, not saying a word. They called my name and we both walked back. The nurse checked me out a little and told us to wait for the doctor. As soon as she left, Louis started to speak. "Mallory, I know we don't love eachother, but I was thinking we could atleast be friends? I mean we do have to get married." I smiled and said " I'd like that, Lou"

Once we were out of the hospital, we drove back to our new flat. "Oh, Mal, we have to stay at my bandmate's flat tonight. We don't have furniture" We pulled into Harry's drive way and got out. A curly haired boy with green eyes came out and smiled.

"Well, you must be my Boobear's wife-to-be! I'm Harry." I smiled and shook his hand. "I'm Mallory."

"HAZZABEAR!!" Louis screamed and jumped into Harry's arms. I giggled a bit at the two. Lou jumped out of his arms and hid behind Harry. We both gave him a puzzled look. "I'm scared of the dark." He whispered and Harry and I laughed. I didn't realize it was, like, midnight. We walked inside and Lou showed me to my room. "Er, Lou?" He turned around. "My clothes are at our flat." He nodded and left, coming back a minute later with a pair of his sweat pants and a t-shirt. I put them on and walked downstairs. Harry was in the shower and I had no idea where Lou was. I decided to go out on the beach, as Harry's flat was right next to our on the beach. I opened the glass door and walked onto the deck.

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