Birthday Boy

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Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in forever!! The winners will be annouced at the end of the chapter along with the polyvore I created for the character. Here ya go, bitchez.

~Louis' POV~

I nodded to the crowd I had behind me as we snuck through the doorway of the bedroom area. Harry was still asleep, snoozing the day away, while the rest of us had planned a massive surprise. Cher had the birthday breakfast, Liam and Niall had the noisemakers, Zayn had the microphone to scream/sing to him, and Mallory had the speakers so Curly was sure to hear. I was leading the operation with my cat-like reflexes, sneaking through the doors like a ninja!

When we walked to his bed, I grabbed on to the curtain, but stopped before pulling it. I held up my hands and counted "1,2,3". I pulled back the curtain, Niall and Liam blew into their noisemakers as if their lives depended on it, Zayn screeched happy birthday into the microphone, Mallory played with the volume and held it close to his head, and Cher just held the breakfast awaiting her prince's awakening.

"What the bloody hell!" He groaned, finally openning his eyes. We all stood there, finally quiet, grinning at him. Mallory took this oppurtunity to sing a normal version of "Happy Birthday" to the curly-haired birthday boy.

"Happy Brithday to you! Happy Birthday to you!" By this point everybody had joined it. "Happy Birthday dear Curly! Happy Birthday to you!" He was finally awake from his trance, grinning like a fool as Cher handed him the feast. He dug in immeadiately and Cher scooted in next to him, sharing the food. I smiled and ushered everyone out to give them alone time.

I plopped down on the couch, everyone but Mallory following my moves. She glided towards the front of the bus and towards a bag from a drug store.

~Mallory's POV~

I made my way to the drug store bag that contained some magazines that caught my eye earlier today. There were about four or five contained, "People", "Us", and other magazines like that. The first thing that pulled my sight towards it was the cover of "InStyle". It was a picture of Cher, her baby bump very visible, with the headline "CHER LLOYD PREGNANT; WHO'S THE BABY DADDY?" I chuckled whilst easing down onto the couch, all magazines in hand.

I proceeded to read the artice about her pregnancy; her clothing choice, boy or girl, and then came the mystery. Who's baby is it? My jaw probably hit the floor when the article said that it is confirmed that Niall was the dad.

I dropped the magazine and rolled off of the couch, clutching my aching stomach from laughing so hard. I probably looked pretty stupid, laying there on the floor, holding my stomach, and laughing like a maniac, but if the rest of them knew why...

"Holy fuck!" Zayn shouted after reading the magazine. He joined me on the floor, laughing his arse off along with me. Gradually they all read it, laughing their arses off until they couldn't breathe. I finally regained my breath and stood up, pulling myself onto the couch.

We sat around for a little bit as I read some of the magazines, soaking up all the juicy gossip I could. I'm pregnant? That's weird, Louis and I are waiting until we're married. Dani and Liam are engaged? Nope...not yet anyways! Perrie and Zayn are broken up? No way!

I flipped through page after page after page of the interesting words. No wonder teenagers love these so much! Everybody carried on with moving lazily around the bus, just killing time until Harry's party, when a phone went off. I thought it was mine, so I hopped up and picked it up off of the counter.

"Hello?" I chirped into the phone.

"Zayn?" A voice asked.

"Um, this is Mallory," I said, slowly.

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