Snap in Half

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~~*Mallory's POV*~~

"Hello? Louis?" I yelled frantically into the phone.

"Hello? I found this young man while hiking, he looks quite lost, and I called the first number on his phone." The voice said more calmly.

"Where are you?" I shouted into the phone before sighing, calming myself down. "I'm sorry, I'm Mallory Conner, fiancée of the young man you have found, Louis Tomlinson. As you can see, I'm very frantic as I'm trying to find him. Can I ask you your location so I can get him as soon as possible?" Everybody huddled around me, now realizing what was going on. I tapped the speaker button so they could all hear.

"I'm around Buffalo," he replied.

"Can you meet us at the airport?" I asked whilst running to the car. "Airport," I mouthed to Paul as the others hopped into the car. He nodded before driving off.

"Sure, miss," The voice replied. "I'm George Dane, by the way,"

"Alright, I'll call you when we land," I said before hanging up the phone.

"Wha-" Harry started before I cut him off.

"Some man found him while hiking and he looked lost. He called the first number, me, on Louis' cell. Now we're going to Buffalo," I explained. Their eyes widened as they nodded. I sighed, tears welling up in my eyes. Harry's arm wrapped around my shoulder as Paul pulls up to the airport.

We each get out and begin getting our bags out of the car that followed us here. Harry's arm remains around my shoulder as we begin walking towards the doors when about twenty paparazzi show up and scramble out of a black van.

"Mallory! Over here!"

"Where's Louis?"

"Are you cheating on him?"

"Why is Harry's arm around you?"

"This just in! Mallory Connor cheating on Louis!"

"Excuse me!" I screamed causing the questions to stop. Everybody, including the boys, stopped and stare at me. "Do you REALLY fucking think I would cheat on Louis, with Harry, especially at the point in time?! You people are sick monsters who just need to make a pound, I'm sorry dollar, off of these lies you make up about people. Well, did you know these lies can hurt people? Apparently not because if you did you would stop like any humane person. Now, you wankers are probably just going to cut out what I'm saying and go back to me cheating, but that's not the case, so please piss off." I stormed into the airport and straight to the ticket desk.

"Hi, what can I help you with?" The overly perky employee asked. I counted in my mind how many people would be on the flight. Simon, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Paul, three security guards, and me.

"I'd like ten tickets, first class, for the next flight to Buffalo, I don't care what the cost is," I told her before she began typing away.

"I'm sorry, the next flight is tomorrow, but we have a private jet!" She smiled. I pulled out Louis' extra credit card.

"That's fine," I told her as I set my bags down on the scale and handed her the credit card. She swiped it and handed it back to me as everybody else caught up. Everybody else put their bags in the scale as she printed the passes.

"Alright, here are ten passes for the jet, a flight attendant will be here in just a sec to lead you to the plane!" She cheered as she handed me the passes. I handed them out and put my own around my neck. We stood and waited until a fancy-looking lady walked up to us.

"Follow me," She instructed before walking off. We followed her, walking very fast, until we reached a door. She opened it leading us out onto the open runway. She led us onto a nice sized plane where I immediately sat down on the white leather recliner. "Get comfortable, please, we'll be taking off in twenty minutes and the flight will be about an hour and a half as we have to dodge some bad weather. Let me know if you need anything! Also, please buckle up until the pilot says otherwise!" She scurried off to the back of the plane.

"What the hell was that, Mallory?" Niall asked as their heads all snapped to me.

"I was angry," I stated.

"By the way, thank you for the ticket, this must've cost a fortune," Paul piped up.

"No problem, whatever gets us there." I smiled reassuringly to him. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around myself before leaning back in the recliner. I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep.

"We're here!" Simon's voice rung in my ears. My eyes shot open and I quickly unbuckled. I grabbed my phone and purse before running out of the plane and towards the doors leading into the airport. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Louis' number.

"Hello?" George answered after it rang a few times.

"Hi, Mr. Dane, we've arrived, are you out front?" I asked, calmly.

"Yes, we are! See you soon," He said before hanging up. The boys came running in the doors followed by Simon, Paul, and security. I waved for them to follow me as I hurried in the direction of the front.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw Louis. I immediately ran towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked into his.

"Louis," I whispered as tears streamed down my face.

"Hey, Mallory," He sounded completely casual. "I'm fine," I laughed a little before going to kiss him, but he pulled back. I shot him a confused look.

"There's no paps around, we're good," he whispered in my ear.

"He needs to go to the hospital," I yelled.

"Everybody, I can take you," George volunteered. I smiled and led Louis into the car. There wasn't enough space for everyone, so I was on Louis' lap, Niall was on Paul's lap, and Harry was laying in the floor. Louis shifted uncomfortably under me and I looked into his eyes. What is wrong with him? He certainly remembers me!

"We're here!" George pulls me out of my train of thoughts. My door was opened, so I pulled Louis out and towards the entrance.

"Emergency!" I called as the nurses came scrambling towards us. "He was found in the woods by a hiker after he was lost in a plane crash," They nodded before taking him back through the doors. A nurse handed me a clipboard of stuff to fill out, so I walked to some random chairs where everybody joined me.

"It will be okay, y'know," the blonde leprechaun reassured me. I smiled, grateful for the Irish boy. I quickly filled out all of the information before handing it back to the nurse.

"What is taking so long?" I groaned whilst tapping my fingers on the arms of the wooden chair.

"He was lost for quite some time, he'll need a proper inspection," Liam said, being the adult. I sighed and ran my hand through my knotted hair. I'm in serious need of a shower, a brush, and food.

"I'm gonna get some McDonald's from across the street! Anybody want anything?" Niall said, right on cue.

"A cheese burgers, large fries, and a large coke!" I cheered and he laughed, nodding. He walked through the hospital doors and towards the edge of the parking lot.

He returned, five minutes later, with three bags of food and two drinks. How does he do that?

"Here ya go!" He smiled as he handed me my food and drink. I grinned and unwrapped my burger, taking a huge bite out of the greasy goodness. I finished it quickly and dug into my fries, taking sips of my drink here and there.

After finishing our meal, a doctor came out and walked towards us.

"Mr. Tomlinson has a type if memory loss. He doesn't remember anything past about six months ago, except for the crash of corse," The doctor said. That means he doesn't remember us falling in love, he only remembers the arranged marriage. Oh no.

WE ARE ONLY 13 READS AWAY FROM 600 AND I REALLY WANTED TO UPDATE!!!! When we get to 650 I'll update again!!! XOX Becca xD

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