Story of The Girl for Ak's

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                                SORRY BUT THIS WILL BE A SAD CHAPTER TOO.

Carlos' P.O.V

We all were sitting in cafeteria like usual at lunch break just a day before we'll go to Isle.

   So, you guys are really going right? Jane asked.

   We will be okay Jane, we go to Isle every weekend. I said.

   I know but-

   Look Uma, can't do something to us. She is trying it since I was six. I said. And she won't even try this time. I promise.

   How can you be so sure about that? Doug asked

   Tomorrow is a special day for us, For whole Island. Mal said before she looked at me. 

Everyone looked so confused so I decided to tell them the whole story.

   Do you want a hear a story?

   You sure  about that? I heared Mal's voice again.

   Why not? I said. I knew the others doesn't want to tell this when I am here. I took a deep breathe and started: 

   Once upon a time, two years ago there was a girl. She lived in an island which full of villains. She had her own territory. And she had younger sisters and brothers. Well only two of them her biologycal siblings and two of them is her cousins but that didn't matter for her. Also, suprisingly all villain kids loved her. Wel... almost every villain kid... She was like everyone's private psychologist. 

I heared Jay's very weak laugh.

   But every story has a  bad guy right? I smiled as weakly as Jay. A girl named Maddy,  I stopped 'cause I couldn't stand her name. A girl named Maddy was this story's bad guy. She was Madam Mim's granddaughter and she was a psychopath. An obssesed psychopath... Anyways. This Maddy was obssesed with girl's one of brothers. The  oldest  one after the girl. One day she got really jealous for litteraly nothing and she... I stopped again. She killed the girl. But, this never happened because of the boy. I saw Jay smiled. I told that because I knew he is blaming himself. We never did, but he just felt that way. 

   Oh. I heared Audrey's voice. Everyone was quiet I was glad I could tell it to someone. I felt more stronger.

   What happened to her siblings?

I smiled and took my necklace -Celeste's ring- and started to talk again

   Her oldest cousin, the boy and their two sisters were taken to another city by the king. I looked at Ben who was listened me without breathing. Then I looked back to the ring. And these four will go to Isle tomorrow. I smiled.

   I'm sorry guys... Lonnie said

   Oh that's okay. The thing I was trying to say is, I breathed again. Uma and Sky won't do something to us. Tomorrow is like an "off of fighting and do nothing" day. At least for us... So you don't have to worry about us.

   At leased for us? Ben repeated me with a question mark.

Well... not scare to you but Maddy still lives in Isle. But- Jay understood this will be scare them more. But, we will be very crowded. I mean we are nine, Sky's are three and Uma's are four which means sixteen people and we have Hades and Yen Sid. 

   Yen Sid? asked Audrey.

   Oh he is like Fairy Godmother, but in Isle and he uses science instead of magic. He is also a doctor. Isn't he? Mal turned to us.

   He is I guess... Jay answered Mal.

   I guess?. Jay you are not sure about that? Just wait till I 'll say that to him. Evie joked.

   I'm sorry lonnie your boyfriend is dead. I laughed with the others. Then I checked my clock and realized that my class'll about to started.

   My class is about the start guys I'll see you later. I kissed Jane on her cheek then I left there.

Mal's P.O.V

   Wow. I could only say this after being sure that Carlos left the cafeteria.

   Same. Evie replayed me.

   What? Chad asked.

   Was that really Carlos? I didn't expect that. I said.

   This was hard to deal with. Mostly for me, Carlos and Diego. He was just- just too strong. I couldn't tell the whole story. Jay explained. And this was the first time one of us explained someone. I mean, everyone knew in Isle we didn't have to.

Jay's P.O.V

   I mean, everyone knew in Isle, we didn't have to. I said these words just before I heared Maddy's voice in my head. One week later than Celeste's death, Maddy came and talked with me. She said that was because of me. She did it for me. She said: I killed her because of you. BECAUSE OF ME. I heared Lonnie's voice after this thoughts. 



   You okay?




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