Chapter 27: Don't Look Back

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~ Your P.O.V. ~

It has been hours! And I honestly want someone to come in and try to beat me up!

To my luck the door opens, revealing Nolan.

"Hi, babe!"

I glare at him, "shut the fuck up! we aren't together! Not after all you've done! Trying to sexually assault me and now this? No!"

He laughs, "he tried to assault you? I don't see why, honestly, you're ugly and probably bad in bed."

"What the hell do you mean "he"?!"

He walks toward me with a bat in hand, "my clone, of course!"

Clone?! I look at his bat and then at him, "you're going beat me up with a bat? Come on, Nolan! Fight like a man! Fist to fist."

He got annoyed and dropped his bat. The chains that held my ankles loosened and we got in a fighting stance.

I probably won't win, but I can at least entertain him until Damian gets here. By now he should know where I am, right?

~ Damian's P.O.V. ~

It has been hours and we still know nothing! Nolan has been of no help. And father hasn't found any evidence or clues. After I found out that Y/N was missing, father got Nolan and brought him to the manor for investigation.

"Miles answer me, where is she?!?!"

He looked at me, "Damian I can't - "

"Bull shit! If anything you said is true then help me out! If you really love her, if you're sorry, if you care in the last! Then please . . . Please tell me where to find her!"

He looks at me, "fine . . . But first I need to tell you what I really am."

"Go on."

"I am not a real person. I . . . I am a clone. After Nolan's parents died he was adopted by the woman we know as Clair Sky, but she's actually a robot programmed by Lex Luthor. The Robot brought Nolan to Luthor's lab so he could make clones. I was the best out of all of them. All clones have a mind of their own. My task was to make Y/N my girlfriend and then bring her to Two Face so she could be one of us, but I fell in love with her. When I told you that Two Face was here I meant it as a warning. You can save her, but you won't save yourself. I'll help you, but it'll cost both of our lives. Are you ok with that?"

I look at the clone and nod, "I will do anything as long as she's safe!"

"Ok, then. But only you and I can go. And I know it'll be hard, but you've got to trust me."

"Sure, hey, um . . . You probably won't live to tell anyone, but I'm robin."

"So Bruce . . . Ok, you probably won't live either, but you may call Batman once we're there."

~ Your P.O.V. ~

Nolan and I fought for one hour before I knocked him out. It was easy actually. But the door is locked, so I can't get out.

I sit down in the bed. Nolan was now locked up with chains in his ankles.

I wonder where Damian is. I hope he's ok.

The door opens once more. Nolan 2 enters the room.

I quickly punch him in the face.

"Y/N, wait. We're here to help you." He whispered.

I looked at him and then looked at the ceiling where noise was occurring. Damian looks at me from the other side of the vent. His emerald eyes looked at mine in a comforting gaze.

I smile and look at Nolan 2 again.


We had hid the real Nolan's body. I was back in the chains, but this time I had a way escaping. The boys hadn't told me the whole plan, but they did tell me my parts.

Two Face was here in the room as expected. Nolan 2 was talking to him about how I had fallen for the trap.

"Yeah? But one question, Nolan. Do you not remember that I can tell you and the real Nolan apart? Where is he and what are you planning?"

Nolan 2 didn't seemed surprised, was this part of the plan?

"You got me sir, but I promise you that we are winning here."

He took out Damian's grappling gun and used it to break the vent. Robin fell the geound.

Two Face laughed, "you brought a bird? Good job, my boy!"

Nolan 2 smiled and punched Damian's face.

I gasped, no, this can't be part of the plan. Damian coughed and winked at me. I knew that he meant it was ok.

Nolan 2 grabbed the bat that was on the floor, "but there's another surprise Mr. Two Face."

He swung the bat at the two faced man and yelled for us to go. I got out of the chains and ran to the door. The man was fighting with Nolan 2. As Damian and I ran we heard a gun shot. Damian didn't seem to care and kept holding my hand. I let out a small tear and thank Nolan 2 for his sacrifice.

"Ok, take this! It's a GPS and a tracker, Batman will find you or you will find him."

"You mean "us", Robin."

"No, my beautiful beloved. You will get out safe and sound. I love you, run and don't look back."

I shake my head and kiss him. He kisses back. His hands grab mine.

"Damian, please! I'd rather die with you!"

He looked at me and let out tears, "but I want you to live and have a family. I want you to be happy."

"But how will I ever be happy without you?" I choke out.

He kisses me, "you'll find another way, baby. I love you, my Jamila. Never forget that."

"I love you more, my love."

He chuckles softly in a sad voice. We hear footsteps approaching us. He pushes me away and tells me to run. I nod and his hands let go of mine. I follow the GPS. I hear yelling and gunshots. I let out Sobs as I get closer to Batman. I run faster as I hear footsteps behind me don't look back I hear Damian's voice in my head. I run until I get to a dead end, but the red dot and the arrow meet, batman is here.

A dark figure steps in front of me and fights the man.


I sit in the back of an ambulance, police everywhere. Bruce Wayne comes up to me and comforts me.

"Mr. Wayne, I'm sorry I couldn't save him."

He smiles at me, tears in his eyes, "it's not your fault. Let's go home."

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