01 - Wings

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"They love you for who you are"


Hectic schedule? Of course. They are starting to get more love than before. Sometimes Namjoon wonders why people like them so much and why people keep getting interest in them. They are just the seven boys from South Korea, sometimes immature, sometimes not.

The others too, they also wonder the same as Namjoon. Why the public give them a chance? Why the public listen to their song? Why the public love them? Why the public hype them?

And one day they got the answer from themselves, from their family, from their staffs and from their fans. When they got the answer from themselves, it was during the dinner after they finished their schedule for that day.

"Do you ever wonder why we receive all this love and support?" Namjoon asked when they were having their dinner.

"Always" Hoseok replied, putting his chopsticks on the table and eyeing Namjoon.

The others nodded too but keeping themselves either silent or munching their food.

"We worked hard. Because we worked hard and will always work hard" Jin stated breaking the silent.

Work hard? True, they always work hard in whatever they did. Always and never once slack off. They have expectation to reach, they have burdens to carry, they have the love and support from everyone and the least thing they can do is work hard. There are times when they worked too hard and that, lead to arguments.

Arguments, cry, frustrated, annoyed and all. Their burdens is too big, the expectation people have in them is too big. Sometimes they were too overwhelm and all they can do to ease that is crying. Whether alone or surrounded by people, they cry.

When they got the answer from their own family, it was during one of their holiday. For Jin's case, the answer was from his mother. His father ands brother too, give the answer but the answer from his mother is the best, it struck far deeper in his heart.

"They love you for who you are" his mother said when she saw him still beating himself over his work although he was on holiday.

"Who I am? Kim Seokjin or Jin? They saw only saw Jin" Jin replied as he turned his back from his chair to eyes his mother.

"..." a moment of silent.

"I saw both. I saw Kim Seokjin my youngest son, a part of me and I also saw Jin. Also my youngest son and a part of me too." His mother replied in calm, spreading her arms for Jin from the bed she sat on.

Right at that time, Jin put down whatever thing in his hand and walked towards his mother, hugging her. A long warm comforting hug from his mother is always make him vulnerable. He cried in his mother's arms.

"You can't make people love you when you aren't loving yourself. Both Kim Seokjin and Jin. They are you" his mother said again, in her soft voice, still hugging her son.

"I love both. Kim Seokjin and Jin. I love both" his mother said while caressing her son's back.

That words struck deeper in his heart. The words that are always on his mind, always from the first time he heard that words until this day.

And when they got the answer from their fans, it was during their usual days. They were scrolling through their social media platform when they saw few hashtags were trending. With their curious mind, they clicked the hashtag. Those beautiful words they read. One of the few words they read, it was from a fan. A friend of the fan read the lyrics of one of their songs and she said to her friend,

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