10 - Plead

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Not only that, the nausea feeling started coming to him. He held the feeling until he couldn't anymore. He runs to the nearest toilet in the house, locked the door and puke all of the contain in his stomach. He barely eat anything and now he is puking. He puked until he is dry-heaving. Of course after awhile in the toilet, someone knocks on the door checking him. His mother.

"Seokjin, are you alright in there?" she asks.

And Jin didn't reply.

"Open the door" she says again.

It was after awhile, after Jin cleans all his mess that he opens the door, meeting with his mother's concern face. She hugs him again.

"Rest for today and tomorrow" she says, brushing her youngest son's hair.

By that, together both of them walk towards Jin's bedroom.

"Go to sleep honey. Your brother will check on you later" she says softly.

Without much difficulty, Jin went to his much needed rest. The next day he woke up, he just feel numb. Numb for everything. Numb and empty. After waking up, he straight away take a fresh shower then makes himself comfortable again on his bed. Without him realizing, he feel asleep again.

After awhile, the door of his room was opened by none other than his mother.


"Wake up. Let's have lunch together" his mother says softly to him.

Jin then blinks his eyes open and stay on his bed for awhile before his mother says the same thing again. He did nothing for the day. Nothing at all. He just stayed in either his room alone or in the living room with his mother without muttering much. Just him listening to every words his mother says to him. He didn't even have any interest to switch on his phone. The next day passed without any difference.

When Jin was about to go back to the dorm, he hugs his father, he hugs his mother and he hugs his brother, telling them not to worry about him.

"Please always be alright" his mother says just before he enters the van.


The remaining six members never get any information about their eldest brother. For the passed three days, they didn't get any news about Jin at all. The only thing they know is, today is the day Jin will be back. At what time? Honestly they didn't know. Speaking personally, each of them thinks that the three days break aren't enough for Jin. He needs more time.

Namjoon personally talked to the management telling them to give more time to Jin but the management said, they already contacted Jin, informing him that he can take a few days off but Jin himself refused that. He said he need to keep himself busy so that he will not think about anything related to his personal life.

So when the morning approached, Jimin and Hoseok were about to have a mini heart attack when they see Jin sleeping there on the couch with his jacket and mask still on. How long since the eldest has arrived? Honestly no one knows. They were told that the eldest will be home today but no one mention about the time. He looks tired. He looks really tired.

Without making any noise, the two quietly walk towards the kitchen to eat their cereal or if they're not lazy maybe they will make something decent for the breakfast.

When they are at the kitchen, both of them decided to work together to prepare the breakfast. It was about ten to twenty minutes later that they hear some set of cough from the living room. Of course it was Jin. And a moment later, the eldest appeared in the kitchen with no mask on walking straight to the water filter there, grabbing a glass and drink some water.

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