20 - Spin

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"I was scared"


"Are you alright?" Jimin asks right after Jungkook steps out of Jin's room after setting the eldest on his bed. The eldest fell asleep on their way back to the dorm.

"You look pale" Jimin says again.

With his mind still replaying Jin's words over again and again, he didn't reply anything to Jimin.

"Take a sit, you don't look good" Jimin guides Jungkook.

"H-he" Jungkook stutters.

"Hey, it's alright, calm down" Jimin says.

At that time, Hoseok pass a glass of warm water to the slightly shaking Jungkook. The maknae gladly took the glass and drink it.

"He asked me if he was the cause of my trauma and I was-"

"I didn't know how to reply"

"He said he saw his grandmother that day"

A deep sigh was left from Jungkook's mouth.

"And she let go of his hand"

All the six of them didn't reply anything. Tears in Taehyung's and Hoseok's eyes. What are they supposed to do? What can they help each other. They were too broken by their own fault.

"It's okay, he is here with us" Jimin says calmly to Jungkook as the maknae still shakes a bit. Tears in his eyes too.

"I was scared"

"I was alone and I didn't know what to do. He was not breathing. He was-"

"I was so scared. There was so much blood. Blood everywhere"

A scene of blood splashing came to Jungkook's mind.


"They tried to rescue his breathing. When the air was being pumped to him, blood. The blood splash from his mouth. The medical staffs were shouting at each other"

"They s-said-"

"They said he was not going to make it to the hospital"

Tears fall. So this was the reason why Jungkook were shaking and scared, looking so lost when they arrived at the hospital. Those situation, those view, those things were too much for him. Much worse, the medical staff muttered something that they shouldn't even let out of their mouth.

"They were wrong. He made it. He is here with us. Breathing and alive. They were wrong." Namjoon says, calming the maknae.


"Why did you leave me alone at that time? I was so scared. I was really scared" Jungkook replies, crying.

"I'm so sorry for what you've been through" Taehyung says, wiping up his own tears.

"What if I was the only one who were there with him in his last breath. What if that happened? What should I do? I was scared" Jungkook says again.

"You should never experienced that, we are so sorry for what happened" Hoseok replies this time.

"Please. Please, after this I don't want anyone to be alone" Jungkook demands in his still slightly shaking state.

The members nod and crowding the maknae for a warm group hug.


The next morning come approach with Jin waking up surrounded by some of the members on his bed.

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