11 - Squabble

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"I was wrong"


As soon as they reached the dorm, the three walk straight to the kitchen while the remaining four members are already there waiting for them to eat their late dinner. Jin eat one third of his food before he excuse himself to shower and do anything he wants.

When everyone is already finished with their late dinner, they walk back to their own room.

"What are you doing?"

Yoongi asks right after he walks in, into his shared bedroom, noticing Jin there not sleeping. The elder take a seat at his desk area doing nothing but just staring deep at his necklace that he's holding on. Jin looks up, meeting Yoongi's eyes when he heard the words Yoongi said to him.

"Go to sleep hyung, we have early schedule for tomorrow" Yoongi says.

"I will but later" Jin replies, continue staring at the necklace again.

"You heard what Namjoon said right?" Yoongi asks.

"Yes. Don't worry, I'm not doing anything" Jin replies.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm here if you want to" Yoongi says.

Jin smiles but decline the offer. Just another ten minutes passed, finally Jin decided to stop staring at the necklace and lay on his bed, covering himself. He can't sleep. He can't sleep but he closes his eyes hoping for the sleep to finally overpowering him. Jin didn't know how long since he closed his eyes but he knows, it was not more than two hours when he feels a warm figure laying next to him, on his bed, hugging him.

"I know you're not sleeping"

It's Taehyung. Usually the one who always crash in, sleeping in his and Yoongi's bedroom is Jungkook but for today, it's Taehyung.

"Go away" Jin replies softly, not wanting to disturb his sleeping roommate.

"I'm going to stay here" Taehyung says.

"I have a fever-" Jin replies.

"I know, you're warm" Taehyung says again.

"If you know then leave, I don't want to be the reason you're sick later" Jin replies.

"It's okay, I'm healthy" Taehyung says, not stepping back.

Jin gives up to kick the younger out of his shared room so he just let the younger do whatever he wants. After awhile Jin closed his eyes again hoping for sleep to finally come.

"She is proud of you"

That was the last words he heard from Taehyung before he finally sleep. When the morning approach, Jin woke up feeling heavy all over his body. It was like his body is shutting down, not wanting to do anything but then he remembers that Taehyung came crashing to his shared room last night. Without doubt, the reason why his body feels so heavy is of course because of the giant koala next to him. Taehyung.

"Tae, I need to go to the bathroom" Jin says softly. And Taehyung groans before he let go of his hands and legs.

When Jin stands up from the bed, he walks silently to the window next to his work desk, admiring the scenery. It's another day without his grandmother. It is not like Jin isn't sad anymore, he is but overall he just feel numb, no knowing what to feel anymore. Just numb with some sort of feelings.

After he takes the warm shower and wearing his comfortable clothes, he walks out of the room greeting some of the members who are already done preparing themselves.

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