21 - Straits

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"I wish you were here"


"Grandma, everyone here is stressing out because of me. What do I do now?" Jin asks as he silently rubs the grave, alone.

"I wish you were here with me. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired with all of this"

"All I did was making it harder for everyone. It's been almost a year but I still can't remember anything. I was too scared to ask anything to them as the last thing I asked them giving me the most heart breaking news ever. I don't want to feel that again"

Jin says softly.

A sigh.

"Such a shame that you're not here. My birthday is coming. Mother says you left something for my birthday but I don't want to open it. Rather than that, I just don't want to meet them"

"Does it makes me a bad person?"

"I can't help it grandma"

Jin cries.

"I can't help it. I keep hearing voices, I keep getting dreams about them. Did they really do that to me? My parents?"

"But I love them" Jin says.

"If you let me follow you that day, they will not experienced this. I feel so guilty for them. All of them. Mother, father, hyung, Yulhee noona and the boys. I feel so guilty and I'm getting really tired with myself"

"Jungkook said I'm not the cause of his trauma but I know he is lying. That kid, what should I do? I want to help him but I just don't know what to do"

Another sigh. A deep sigh.

"Is it myself that doesn't want to remember anything? It's painful. It's really hard to live like this"

"It feels like I was being dragged everywhere with something I'm familiar with but I just can't seem to get it"

"They were getting tired. I'm a burden"


"I wish you were here"

Jin says again, tears leaving his eyes.

"Sorry for bothering you, I just wanted to talk to you. It's late, I will be going home now, good night" Jin says, wiping up his tears.


As he walks home with snow flakes falling down to the earth late at night, he unconsciously sing a song.

Snowflakes are falling
Getting farther away

"It's weird that I can remember this small details but can't remember anything else" Jin says to himself.

A vibration in his pocket. He takes his phone from the pocket and read the caller's name. It's Jungkook.

"Hyung, where are you?"

Jin can hear the concern voice.


"I'm on my way" Jin replies.

"Do you want to get something warm?"

"Wait, are you running? Where are you?" Jin asks as his eyes wonder everywhere, looking for Jungkook.

"Brat, where are you? Come out now" Jin says.

"It's red light, safety first remember?" Jungkook chuckles.

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