17 - Absence

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"I don't know"


When they arrived at the dorm, the first thing Jin did is taking a bath while the others are preparing for their late dinner. As Jin is alone in his room after showering, he walks here and there eyeing his things. When he is eyeing his thing, a sudden flashback about the earlier incident flash in his mind making him hiss at the memory. It started as a little pain until it's become unbearable. He sways dangerously left and right and also accidentally knock off one of his glass decoration there making it break into million pieces.

When the others hear the breaking sound of course they run as fast as possible to the eldest room. Jungkook. When Jungkook opens the door of the room, Jin is already one floor with cuts. He fainted. Without wasting time, Jimin calls Yulhee while the others walks closer to Jin.

As Jungkook gently lay Jin on the bed, Hoseok walks in, in rush with the first aid box, cleaning the cuts on the eldest hand. They keep the room dim so if Jin ever woke up he will not have a certain headache from the bright light.

"Where is she?" Jungkook asks.

"On her way here" Jimin replies as soon as Jungkook finished his words.

When the time Yulhee arrived at their building, she walks in rush straight to their dorm without even locking her own car. The first thing she did when she entered the room was of course inspecting Jin. Heart rate, blood pressure, rechecking the cuts and all.

"How-" Yulhee says.

"I don't know. We don't know" Namjoon replies on behalf of the others.

When Yulhee was about to ask more, Hoseok cuts her.

"We heard a glass breaking sound and when we came here, he was already on the floor with cuts" Hoseok says.

"Did he hit his head?" Yulhee asks again.

"We really don't know anything" Hoseok replies.

That sentence put a stop to all of Yulhee's questions. Even if she wants to ask more, she will never got the answer of her questions. Never, because the others are just as clueless as she is.

"The only thing I can tell from these is, it was too much for him. It was too much for him, for his body to handle" Yulhee says to them.

"Did he tells you anything? Anything about memories flashing back or pain anywhere?" Yulhee continues.

They shake their head. They have no idea at all. Jin didn't even tell them anything. Even after all this things happened, they never reach Jin. They never once really reach Jin. They failed and fail.

With a sigh, Yulhee says in her calming voice,

"I will say this again, don't let him be by himself. Looking at the injury and all, I don't think he hit his head but if situation like this happened again, there is the probability that he will hit his head so please don't let him be alone"

The others nod.

It's a few hours later that Jin woke up feeling the worse headache ever. As he is blinking his eyes open, the first thing he sees is his room. A hand is playing with his hair, brushing and petting it. When Jin is already adapting with the dim surrounding he turns his head to his right side, noticing Taehyung. The owner of the hand that is playing with his hair. At the small cozy couch right beside the bed is Jimin, sitting there reading a book quietly.

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