07 - Practice

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"Enough for today"


Pressure is at every corner. Pressure, expectation and burden. They just want the best, they only want the best in whatever they did. Arguments, talks, problems, misunderstandings, unreachable. All of that are normal. People expect them to live like what they're fantasizing and imagine them for but the fact is all seven of them are human. The human being exist on the same earth.

Those things are in fact the normal things to be happened. When people watched them fought, their mind went wild. People thought they are getting well together but when they watched them fought for once, people cant help but changed their mind about their impression of the members.

Because people are fantasizing them like what they always did in their mind. Even fighting with their own family is the normal thing to be happened so why the people are still demanding them to be what they're fantasize for? Delusional after all. When the scene they filmed at the time a fight occurs, words spread wild all over the media, people start speculating them this and that.

The seven of them noticed that, instead of feeling nothing, of course they care of what people said to them like the same ordinary human being, they care. But that is the truth after all. It's a normal thing happened in life and that's it. Yes, the seven of them surely fought sometimes but not every time, not everyday and not every second.

The hidden scene where just them having a fight without any cameras of course happened once in a while. It was before DNA come out. They were having the last week of dance practice before the official release of the new album. Hoseok who barely explode in anger, exploded that day. Too much pressure, too much burden and too tired.

When the date of their official release being closer of course they couldn't help but be nervous and sensitive about everything. Every little mistakes can be easily pointed out making them annoyed the hell out of themselves. They fought multiple times when the date of their new album is getting closer and closer so for DNA, they fought once again.

It was late at night, well maybe not night anymore. It was two in the morning and everyone was tired, every little energy they had, they already used it. But for the one last practice for that day, they gathered up, squeezing every remaining energy left in their body for the dance practice.

"That's not it!" Hoseok snaps as he notices the weird move from some of the members which makes them start all over again from the beginning.

No one left if they didn't correct the choreo. No one.

"Higher! Move your leg higher" Hoseok shouts.

And they start again. Everyone was tired. Everyone was tired for sure, they need to correct the choreo to rest. That is in fact their own rule. The rule that they themselves set. No one slack off, no one allowed to be back home.



"Yoongi hyung!"


"Jin hyung!"

And that's it. Jin can't hold it anymore. His whole body is trembling, he can't even stand straight without swaying here and there. His hands, they are shaking. There's a slow ringing sound in his ears.

"I can't" Jin replies when Hoseok pointed out him.

"What do you mean you can't? We've been doing this for years" Hoseok hiss.

"I really can't" Jin says.

"Are we a joke to you? We are tired too" Hoseok replies.

"No that's not it" Jin cuts.

"Then get the move right! All of us are tired. You and us." Hoseok states as soon as Jin finished his words.

"Please, enough for today" Jin begs.

"We agreed to the rule before. We aren't going to break the rule. Stop wasting time and get back to your position" Hoseok replies.

At this time, it whole atmosphere turns cold. The others who are watching keeping themselves as quiet as possible, not wanting to step in otherwise the fight become worse than this.

"Please" Jin tries again.

"No, I'm not going easy on you just because you're older than me. I have responsibility to hold" Hoseok says.

"Neither do I-" Jin replies, close to tears.

"No! Now get back to your position, we are tired" Hoseok snaps once again.

"Can't you see-" Jin replies harshly, putting up both of his hands in the air "I can't anymore!"

"Stop" Namjoon steps in.

"Hyungs, I think we need to stop" Jimin says.

"Sweats are normal. Stop making a big deal out of it" Hoseok dissing Jin, completely ignore the two members.

"No hyung, stop. We need to stop now. Look at him carefully-" Jimin says.

"His hands are shaking. We need to stop now" Jimin says again.

When Jimin pointed out that, Hoseok looks carefully at the eldest from up to toe. Jimin is right. Jin's hands are shaking and not only that, his whole body is trembling too. They need to stop for sure. By the time Jimin finished his words, he and Jungkook walks closer to Jin just in case anything happened.

"Are you alright hyung?" Jungkook asks softly, supporting Jin's body to stand.

"No, I'm not" Jin replies.

As soon as that, his legs give up and thankfully Jungkook is there supporting him before his legs gave up.

"Here-" Taehyung pass a bottle of water to everyone and everyone take it. They take a seat on the cold floor.

When Taehyung pass the water to Jin, he quietly opened the cap of the bottle and pass the bottle to the eldest. Of course with Jin's shaking hands, he spills some of the water onto the floor and onto his own shirt. When Jungkook notices the struggle, he helps Jin by holding the bottle closer to Jin's mouth so that he can drink without spilling anything. Then, they pack their things to go home.

As Jin's hands didn't stop shaking by the time they finished gathering their own things, Hoseok, being guilty walks closer to where Jin is sitting.

"I'm sorry hyung. Are you alright?" Hoseok asks.

"No, I'm not, my ears are ringing" Jin replies.

"I'm sorry hyung, I didn't know about that and I keep pushing you" Hoseok apologise.

"It's okay. I know we are all tired so don't guilt trip yourself" Jin replies.

Another update coming soon in awhile 😉😂

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