03 - Glowing Presence

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"Are you done hurting yourself?"


For Hoseok's case. It was different from Namjoon's and Yoongi's cases. For Hoseok, it was during the break of their group official activities. At that time he was at their practice room, practicing alone. The others?

They were doing their own personal schedule of course. During that time in the practice room, Hoseok was honestly not alone. Jin was there with him. It was about two hours since Jin joined Hoseok in the practice room.

It was not like Jin joined the dance or whatever, he just sat there at the corner of the practice room watching in awe and admiring the younger.

"Are you done hurting yourself? If you're done then let's eat" Jin said as he saw Hoseok taking a break from his dance.

"I'm not hungry hyung, you can go by yourself" Hoseok replied.

"You know me Hoseok, I hate eating alone. I can't go by myself-" Jin said.

"You are going to start again? It's barely twenty minutes since you take a break" Jin said again.

"Yes" Hoseok replied shortly after that.

"Okay then, I'm watching here" Jin stated, continuing his action before but this time, he watched the younger while scrolling through his phone.

A little over an hour later, Hoseok take a break again. Drinking his water and fanning himself although the air conditioner was still opening.

"When are we going to eat? I'm hungry. It's already late for dinner. I mean, really really late" Jin said to Hoseok.

"I already told you hyung, I'm not hungry and you can go there by yourself" Hoseok replied.

"How many hours more will you stop hurting yourself and go eat with me?" Jin asked curiously.

"Not sure hyung. I feel great hurting myself. Better you go and eat now before all the restaurants closed, if not you're going to end up to have just fast food for the dinner" Hoseok said, laughing.

"How long?" Jin asked again.

A moment of silent since Hoseok was not answering the question.

"Until I satisfied with my choreo" Hoseok replied after awhile, looking through the elder's eyes.

"You are going to end up really hurting yourself Jung. I'm serious" Jin said.

"Feel great hurting myself" Hoseok chuckled.

"Say what? Wait until you be like me, ended up with fracture arm and broken leg and at that time I will laugh" Jin said, with the different tone he used to use in their daily life.

"It's different hyung. You were injured by the accident occurred during our performance, it's unpredictable" Hoseok replied.

"Are you indirectly telling me that you predict yourself getting injured? Are you serious?" Jin asked, widen his eyes.

"Nahh" Hoseok shrugged as he stands up again, walking towards his position earlier.


"I said stop." Jin said, annoyed.

"Enough. Wrap up for today. You have done enough. We are going to eat now and we are going back home after that" Jin said again.

"How many times do I have to tell you hyung, I'm not hungry and you can go eat by yourself" Hoseok stated.

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