18 - Nightmare

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"why didn't you let me follow you?"


Weeks passed, dreams and nightmares still on going for almost every night.

"Where is my grandmother?" Jin asks out of sudden on one calming morning right after he step out from his room to the living room, towards the members, standing still demanding for an answer.

A confirmation. Jin just need a confirmation. He need to know if what he saw in his dream was a part of his memory or just a nightmare.

They didn't reply, they didn't even want to make any eye contact with him. Why?

As the silent become longer and longer, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Every possible logic splash through his mind. Even the worst scenerio, the only answer to his question that everyone is hiding from him. The answer.

Is it right? Is the dream he had is true?

"Why can't you answer me?" Jin says, breath becoming heavy, tears falling down.

Their silent only means one thing. One thing for sure. There is no point hoping for the opposite answer when the silent he received only means one thing. The worst reality.

Jin falls on his knees, crying harder as he remember back the dream or should he say, the nightmare that he had? The nightmare that have been going for awhile leaving him clueless everytime he woke up the next day. More tears leaving his eyes as he recalls his last phone call with his grandmother.

The joy that he heard from her when he inform her that he will be going home, meeting her in a few days. He didn't even meet her as what they have been planning for. She left him. She really left the world.

At that time, Hoseok fishes out his phone from the pocket and dials someone. Someone that everyone surely knows who. Yulhee.

"Jin hyun-" Hoseok tries to say.

"What happened?" Yulhee cuts as she hear the panic tone from Hoseok.

"His grandmother. He remembers" Hoseok replies shortly after that.

"How is he?" Yulhee asks back, clearly concern for her little brother.

"The situation doesn't look good. He is crying" Hoseok explains.

"Calm him, I'll be on my way" Yulhee replies before ending the phone call.

While Hoseok is on the phone with Yulhee, Taehyung and Jimin walk closer to Jin, kneeling on the floor making their eyes on the same level as Jin.

"Why did no one tell me anything!" Jin shouts, frustrated at himself and everyone else.

"You all said she is alright! I waited for months to meet her and now what?" Jin says again, anger overtaking him.

"I-I.." Jin stutters as he is gasping for air.

"It's okay hyung, it's going to be alright. Calm down and breath with me" Jimin says softly close to Jin's ear.

"Why did you lie to me?" Jin cries.

"Hyung, please..." Taehyung says, tears filling up his eyes.

"Hyun-" someone says.

"Don't t-touch me. Please. Please don't touch me" Jin hiss at them.

"Hyung, please" Jimin says

"You lied to me. All of you" Jin replies.

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