06 - August Company

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"When a fight started, it was never a one man fault. It's both side"


When it was Jungkook's case, an argument occurred. An argument that lead to teary eyes. It was the argument between Jungkook and almost all of the members. Honestly if someone asked them is it weird to argue among the members then the answer is straight up a yes. But, if someone asked them is it weird to argue with maknae then the answer is a no. Among all of the seven members, arguing with Jungkook is the least thing can be happened.

So when the start of Jungkook's case, it's actually start went Jungkook got injured. More like injuring himself. The time he got injured, it was before the concert. That were the time when Jungkook was crying because he was frustrated.

On one heavy evening, at that day, all the seven members were having the rehearsal for their concert. Everything went smooth except for one, Jungkook. It was during the break if they're not mistaken. Just after they finished the rehearsal for the group's performance, they quickly walked away to the back stage, for their break. At that time, an injury occurred to Jungkook.

Jungkook was walking down the steel stairs behind Hoseok and the person behind Jungkook was Jin. They were not even joked around, they were just walking down like always, the normal walking style but what happened is happened. Jungkook slammed his leg too hard on the steel stairs and accidentally cut the back of his feet. A big cut on his heel with blood coming out.

What the heck were the shoes doing? Why were there's a big cut when he was wearing the shoes? Simple. The answer was so simple, Jungkook did not wear any shoes. He was just wearing the socks. Why weren't he wear the shoes? Because during the rehearsal, he fell once and slipped few times so in the end, he took off the shoes.

At that time he slammed his leg, Jungkook cursed out loud and yelp in pain making the other members shocked. The medical staff and all quickly rushed towards Jungkook and the other members making space for them to ease everything. In the end, Jungkook got seven stitches in total and was told to not push himself, walking or any activity involving the injured leg.

Only God knows how disappointed Jungkook was with himself. For heaven's sake, they were on their tour and he got injured. Truly a disappointment. The fans must be upset for that. If only Jungkook knows that the fans were not upset about him not joining the dance but they were more upset about Jungkook got injured. They were upset looking at the frustrated Jungkook. They were upset looking at the other members. They were worried.

So after two concerts with the gap of a week or more since the injury, Jungkook was much in better condition. During the discussion before the rehearsal of another concert start, Jungkook pointed out that he can do some dance choreo. That. Everyone was against the idea. Jungkook was more upset when he saw the hyungs strict faces. It was an absolutely a no for Jungkook. It's just about a week ago that the youngest get injured and now he wants to join the choreo? No.

Then they did their rehearsal with an upset Jungkook. After the rehearsal, like always, the gathered again, pointing out every possible mistakes, ideas and all, together and discussed. It was at that time that Jungkook decided to be bold again for another try.

"I can dance!" Jungkook said to everyone.

"Of course you can, who said you can't?" Hoseok replied to the youngest.

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