12 - Shaken

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"It was not your fault"


But something happened.

An accident happened with the van that Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin and Jungkook ride in. The van slipped onto the slippery road.

Tyres screeching

Windows breaking



Piercing hons



Just black.

Jungkook didn't how long since he passed out but when he woke up, he is still in the van. He looks to his front, left and right. The others are waking up. With blood dripping down his skin, he crawls out of the broken door wincing and yelping of every pain he feels.


Jungkook says, as he helps Namjoon. The manager who drove the van also come out helping him as soon as he called the ambulance for help. The manager had some minor cuts. After Namjoon is out of the van, both of them help Yoongi out with the latter cursing with every move. They know. They know well enough that they should not move any injured person when an accident happened but they had no choice. The van started letting some smoke out. It is alarming.

"Where is Jin hyung?" Jungkook says in panic when he didn't notice Jin in the van nor near the van.

"Jin hyung!" Jungkook shouts.

"Jin hyung!" Again, Jungkook shouts.

"JUNGKOOK MOVE AWAY FROM THE VAN!" The manager yells at Jungkook from in between of Namjoon's and Yoongi's sides.

Jungkook can't hear it. He can't find Jin. He can't find the eldest. He just need the eldest. He-

He saw him

He saw him. He saw Jin laying at the side of the road. Jungkook runs, he runs as fast as he can to the eldest, kneeling down so he can see him. Blood. There's so much blood. With his shaking hand, he taps the eldest a few times on the shoulder for any reaction. He didn't get any. He is crying, Jungkook is crying.

Everything happened so fast. All he knows, all they know is, they are already at the hospital. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin are still in the hands of the doctors. The doctors didn't let him in. They doctors didn't let Jungkook see his brothers. Jungkook is shaking. Jungkook is trembling. He is shaken by the whole thing happened.

He notices figures running to him but he ignores it. Whoever they are or whatever they did, he didn't care at all. A warm hug. It was Jimin. When Jimin pull away from the hug, he kneels at the floor, eyes meeting Jungkook.

"I c-cant feel his pulse" Jungkook says, almost cant be heard.

Jungkook says the same thing again and again to the others.



"Hey, listen to me. It's going to be okay. The doctors are treating them. They will be okay" Hoseok says.

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