08 - Arduous

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"Let's start again"


When Jin thinks about it again, the reason his energy drained so much today than the others is probably because he stayed up late last night for his assignment despite having an early in the morning class. Right after the class, he went straight to the practice room barely had any time to eat so this is not anyone's fault but him. He is the one who stayed up late.

The next day they started their dance practice late. Hoseok and Jimin asked for that because they wanted to make sure everyone rest as much as they can before starting their dance practice again especially their eldest hyung. When they went home last night, well actually not last night but more to in the morning, Jin straight away went to his room and sleep. It was only few hours after that Jin woke up again, preparing himself and went to his morning class again.

Since their dance practice is push sometime in the evening, right after the class Jin didn't have to go to the practice room like always, he went back to the dorm, lands himself on the cozy couch at the quiet living room and sleep. Quiet? Yes, because the others are probably sleeping in their own room.

When the clock stated for them to start practicing, one by one woke up and prepare themselves. When they arrived at the practice room, they started their dance routine like usual but this time with better condition. After last night's incident, each one of them pay extra attention to each other. Days afterwards, they continue like that until the start of their promotion weeks.

For DNA, they didn't promote like they used to, since they're tight with schedules, the management decided to give them two weeks of promotion before the start of their international schedules, before they fly themselves far from their home country. As much as everyone knows or at least the members and the management know, although they're having the promotion of their latest album, they also started the planning and all about their new album. Yes, although they're just releasing something new.

Fast forward to their last week or promotion, to be exact, three days before the finish or their promotion week. They only have their last music show broadcast and few fansigns. Today, it's their last music show broadcast, after that they have a fansigning event then they're free. For tomorrow they've a few multiple fansigns, and day after that they've a filming for their vlive, the closing vlive show of their promotion week.

Last night they had a recording session and of course a mess happened. Not a big mess but still a mess. Of course there will be a mess especially when all of them are stress out. They are in the middle of promoting their latest album and the works keep stacking up, higher and higher. For the recording session, its only left with Jin's part since the others has done their recording session days ago. In the recording room, Jin is there with the rappers, Namjoon and Yoongi.

The two rappers are the producers of the song, so both of them are there guiding and monitoring Jin on how to sing his part according to their liking. Being physically tired and mentally tired do takes toll on their bodies but work is work after all.

"You need to sing it higher hyung" Yoongi says through the microphone.

Jin nods.

"Again" Yoongi says.

And he starts again with much 'higher'.

"No hyung, the transition needs more feeling in it" Namjoon says this time.

The two keep getting annoyed each time Jin didn't meet their expectation. And Jin too, he is annoyed by their nagging. It's been hours since they start the recording session and of course after hours, they get annoyed of each other.

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