Dooku x reader

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"Count Dooku" you say flatly as three droids drag you to the Counts feet in cuffs and into his living space he sighs "Jedi" he growls you wink at him making him stiffen for a moment. One look from you made his swoon easily "leave us" Dooku demands as the both of you look around to make sure every droid and Sepratist had left the room. Then Dooku pulls you up by your cuffs "miss me?" You tease he sighs "you have no idea" he says pulling you into a kiss "mh" you responded before he got your cuffs off. "There, much better" he says offering his hand of course you take it as you two begin walking elsewhere "admit it Dooku, you liked seeing me like that" you tease as he tries finding the words to protest what is clearly true. You and The Count knew it was super wrong for a Jedi Master to be with anyone for that matter and especially a Sith Lord like Dooku but 5 years and no one has discovered it not even Grevious or your best friend Master Windu whom you told everything but this. Also you two got married halfway through the fourth year you didn't hesitate to say yes to Dooku you knew it was meant to be as did he. He guided you another den living space area a bit smaller than the previous one and seated you two in cushiony chairs and a little table in between with tea ready for you two. "Been awhile since I've been back home..." You say sliding off your cloak "well I'm quite happy you managed to get away for awhile" he says "i know you are, what they know is I'm on a mission to apprehend you" you say with smirk he facepalms "you my dear are the universes most perverted of Jedi" he sighs. "But yet you proposed to me" you tease "ech don't remind me" he teases back "isn't that ring a constant reminder?" You point out he chuckles "yes my love and i do not regret it in the slightest" he smiles.

"So Dooku, i think w-..." "No" he interrupts "we cannot let anyone know of this" he says you sigh "i know..." You mutter "darling it would cause more chaos than there already is" he says taking your hand. "I love you too much to lose you" he says "life without you wouldn't be worth living" he adds smiling a little you smile too "i feel the same way Dooku, you make my life feel less lonely" you say. Kissing each knuckle you giggle "such a softy of a Sith Lord...what would Grevious say?" You tease "it doesn't concern him" he replies "you know it does feel like yesterday when we first met, i remember it well" he says. You giggle "oh yes me drugging you instead of violence then you kissed me when you woke up" he chuckles "oh come now, it was more than that darling we did battle once i regained my senses and broke free..." He says pointing it out. You sigh "then you pinned me and i got out of that and had you pinned then kissed me out of frustration and crushing on me all in one" you add "YOU young lady were the one that grinded on ME first" he chuckles. You giggle nervously "hush" you squeak "why don't you make me?" He growled you blush and look away "nevermind..." You whine taking a sip of your tea he chuckles "how long do you think it will take before they begin to worry?" He asks.

You think for a moment "well they contact me and i actually answer I'll say...i was on the run and in hiding for awhile or I'll contact them in three days" you say he nods in agreement and a look of that seems legit. You smile "besides mother Anakin and mother Obi Wan will get worried in three anyways" you add making him chuckle "why are they both mother?" He asks with a smile "because they are both girls about it screeching, crying, and a sort of groundation Mace Windu and Yoda both sigh and facepalm" you say both of you giggling. "But Padme believes they should be protective of me but knowing i can handle myself quite well and trust me" you say "and do they?" He asks "yes, but see me as a child still more so" you reply with a its legit tone. He sighs "but you've become a brilliant young lady regardless" you nod "yeah but they're family i mean Padme is my twin sister..." You admit "was she ever jealous of you? Becoming a Jedi then Master quite quickly...long before her senatorship too" he asks. You sigh "no surprisingly my guess is she knew what i was going to become and she knew what she had a passion for" "that does make sense" he says " you love being a Jedi Master?" He asks leaning closer. "Well s-something happened that only Master Windu saw..." He tilts his head "and what might that be?" He asks as you sigh you scoots further away to the side holding out your dominant hand spotting a couple battle droids a little ways away and shot force lightning from your fingertips. He whips his head in the direction you shot speechless and shocked "darling you have the ability of force lightning?!" He cries "but how?" He asks.

"I don't know, Master Windu and I were fighting off Droidekas and as my lightsaber was knocked from my hand i shot it at one of the Droidekas diagonal from me" you say a little scared "my dear...has he told anyone?" You sigh. "As far as i know he hasn't..." You respond nervously "darling you know what this means if they do or do not find out don't you?" He asks a little excited "yes...but i don't want to be the enemy of the Jedi" you say a saddened. He sighs "you wouldn't have much of a choice i don't think Y/N well, unless they didn't find out about us at that point..." He says pointing it out "huh, i guess so...the Jedi have been my family for so long I'd almost rather them know that than about us" you say. He chuckles "i figured as much my darling" he stands from the table "come" he says holding out for your hand "let us go back inside i have someone I wish for you to meet" you take his hand confused. "A-alright love, who? And why the sudden remembrance?" You ask "just a friend who would be curious to study this if you don't mind?" You smile a little "sure, I'd like to know myself too" you say he smiles and begins walking to what may be an interesting future.

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