Chapter Two

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I stood outside the school with the group of classmates I'd be going to dinner with. I skimmed the group, looking for a certain ash blonde, seeing him leaned against the wall with crossed arms.

"Bakugouuuuu you cameee!!" I yelled, walking towards him. "I told you I was coming you idiot!" He retorted. 'Damn attitude' "Tch." Was all I had to say.

The group followed Midoriya and Uraraka to lord knows where for dinner. We went down curious and dark alleyways. The cold wind sent shivers down my spine and I couldn't help but tense up. Kaminari turned back at me, looking concerned. "H-hey (y/n) you should walk in front of me. It's not safe f-for you to be in the back." I smiled at his words and started to walk faster, but someone stopped me. "Get lost Pikachu. You'd barely be able to handle a bunch of little girls." A familiar voice said from behind me.

( Do I sense a hint of jealousy? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

I turned around to meet the ash blonde's eyes, blushing and then looking away.

I walked with Bakugou behind me for the rest of the way. I have to admit, I did feel better with him there.

Midoriya and Uraraka brought the group to what seemed to be a pizza place. I sat in between Kaminari and Bakugou, I mean of course I'd sit next to Bakugou, I'm the one who invited to come. Kirishima sat on the other side of Bakugou, Uraraka and Midoriya sat across from me with Iida on the other side of Uraraka and Todoroki on the other side of Midoriya. Mina and Tsu both sat on the ends of the table.

( Sorry If I have confused you ;-; )

"So (y/n), I wanna know more about your quirk." The pinkette said, smiling extremely big. "W-well uhm.. my body temperature isn't the normal temperature. It's actually below freezing to that I can form my ice, but since my body temperature is below freezing, I get cold easily and if I get too cold, I'll freeze up. I can form objects with my ice and can manipulate them any way I please, but my muscles tense up if the object is too big for me." I smiled nervously. "That's quite an impressive quirk (l/n). That could become extremely useful." Iida told me. I smiled at his comment.

I glanced over at Bakugou who was leaning in his chair on his phone. I leaned back to see what was so important but I couldn't see. "Whatcha doing." I asked, looking over his shoulder curiously. "What the fuck? Get the hell away from me Frosty!"

'There it is again. "Frosty"!?'

"Okay, what's with the name? It makes no sense. Why do you call me that!?" He raised an eyebrow. "God your so stupid." He spat. "Your quirk has something to do with ice or whatever and I don't really care what your name is so you're Frosty." He grinned leaning back in his chair. I rolled my eyes. "My name is (y/n), and it's rude to call people names Baku-hoe." I retorted, crossing my arms and looking the other way.





"Tch. Quit fucking yelling. You're drawing attention to yourself." I froze, looking around me. I noticed the whole table looking at us, well more like me. The silence lasted for what seemed like forever until Uraraka laughed. "Oh my goodness you two are so alike!" She said, still laughing up a storm. The others seemed to agree as they too laughed with Uraraka. I slumped down in my chair, feeling embarrassed.

The waitress soon came with our pizzas and drinks. And the group laughed and played games. We even played Uno and since is lovely kids have 'deadly' quirks, we almost took each other out.

It was getting late so we all decided to part ways. We split the bill and said our goodbyes and we each went off in our own way. I, however was lost. Since I had just recently moved here, I didn't know how to get around much and I've never been to this area before.

I went through mazes of alleyways and met many dead ends I had to admit I was lost.

I could feel the cold wind blow against my (s/c) skin. It sent shivers down my spine and made my knees shake. The various dark alleyways made me tremble. I heard footsteps behind me. My heartbeat a million miles a minute and my breathing fastened. I walked faster and faster, trying to find my way home.

"Hey pretty lady! Where are you going?" The voice was low and raspy as if he smoked 20 a day. I started running as fast as I could, trying to get away from the creep that was following me, but I tripped. I could hear the man's footsteps get closer and closer. I got up and tried to run, but my legs were weak I couldn't move them. My legs felt like they were glued to the concrete. The man inched closer and closer to me. I backed up, but I had no more room to back up. I had backed up into a wall, and I was losing all my confidence.

"S-stay away from m-me!" I screamed but the man still kept inching closer to me. "Why princess? You seem lost, let me help you." I could see his evil grin. I felt his hand reach up my skirt as he held me against the wall. I squirmed, trying to get out of his grasp. "L-let me go!" I squeezed my eyes shut. The man traced my figure. He inched closer and closer to my chest area and ripped my uniform shirt off of me. I could feel tears streaming down my eyes. "P-please.. s-stop it." I pleaded, almost giving up. His cold fingers traced every inch of my body and eventually to my skirt. I cried and pleaded but I couldn't do anything. I could feel myself almost losing consciousness. Before I had lost all composure, I heard a faint voice. "The hell are you doing you scumbag!" That voice I recognized that voice.


"You better leave or things are gonna get real ugly for you pal. Get off of her!" The man only went up my skirt even further, testing Bakugou. At this point, tears were strolling down my face. I could tell Bakugou was furious. He lit his explosion and charged at the man. The man quickly ley go of me seeing Bakugou's quirk. The man must've been quirkless if he was afraid to fight him head-on. "H-hey man n-no need to get violent now." The man shook in fear. "No need to get violent huh? Tell me that when you aren't trying to assault a girl you bastard!" I saw the man run, and Bakugou let him.

"Tch. Damn bastard." He walked towards me and threw his uniform coat at me. "You look like shit, put it on." I was going to oppose but then realized that son of a bitch ripped my shirt, leaving me sitting here in my bra... IN FRONT OF BAKUGOU!! I blushed and quickly threw his coat over me, avoiding eye contact with him. I felt my knees begin to weaken and my vision blurred. It was only a matter of seconds before I ended up on the floor.

Bakugou's POV:

I noticed (y/n) fall to the ground. I tried to catch her but I was too late. 'Damn she's gonna feel that shit in the morning.' I picked her up and carried her to my house because I have no fucking idea where she lives.

I laid her down on my bed. I didn't know whether or not to put her into more comfortable clothes, but I'm not taking that risk. I watched her as she lay there. 'God I swear if I ever find that bastard again..'

'Why the hell was I there?'

'Why do I care so much?'

'God damn it..'

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I'm actually hella proud of this chapter. I was up all night writing this and the previous chapter! >_< Let me know what you guys think I'd love that!

Word count: 1397

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