Chapter Six

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Momo stared at me curiously. A blush was visible on her cheeks. She smiled nervously before letting me and Bakugou in. As soon as we got in, everyone's eyes were glued onto us. 'What's everyone staring at?' I bit my lip nervously and then realized Bakugou's arm was still around me. I looked up at him with a scared expression on my face. "B-Bakugou.. t-they're staring at us... b-because of your arm.." I mumble, blushing. "Ah, so what. Why do I care eh? Not like this is a crime tch." But he let go of me anyways. He walked over to talk to Kirishima, leaving me standing there alone.

I walked over to Uraraka and Midoriya. "Oh hey (y/n) that was quite an entrance you had." Uraraka said, looking extremely happy. I smiled nervously and scratched the back of my neck. "N-no I promise it's not what it looked like eheh.." She looked at me puzzled. "Hm? Hey (y/n), isn't that Bakugou's hoodie?" I looked confused then down at my attire. I quickly took it off and blushed. "Uhm.. I was only cold... but I'm fine now heh." She smiled at me. "Aww but (y/n) you're both so cute together don't be embarrassed!" I only blushed more at her comment.

Everyone was with a group of friends chatting and laughing, but somehow I managed to be the only one alone. "Hey (y/n)! How are you!" A familiar voice said aloud. I turned around to see Kaminari's smiling face. "Oh hello Kaminari what's up?" I asked returning the smile. "N-nothing really. So... you and Bakugou huh?" I felt my face get hot. "W-what n-no why does everyone think that!" Kaminari laughed and put his hand on my shoulder. "Y'know (y/n) you're cute when you're flustered." He pulled me closer to him, eyeing my chest and figures. "K-Kaminari s-stop it let me go.." He frowned. "But (y/n), I just wanted to get to know each other more you know?" He looked me in the eye and held my face up with his hand. "K-Kamimari.. qui-"

"She said get off dumbass, so get the hell away from her." I heard Bakugou say. I could hear the anger in his voice. Bakugou grabbed me and pushed Kaminari away, glaring at him intensely.

He snatched the hoodie out of my hands and forced it over my head. "Ow! Hey what are you doing I don't need it anymore jerk!" He shot me an angry look. "That bastard was eyeing you and I won't let anyone just violate a girl, especially if that girl is you." He looked the other way a growled.

'What's gotten into him?'

I sat at a table with Bakugou across from me. He still looked pissed. I looked down and played with the sleeves of Bakugou's hoodie. The silence between us was soon interrupted. Todoroki sat down next to me, putting his arm around me. I raised an eyebrow, looking him in the eyes. "(Y/n) I've been worried about you. You never texted me back and you've ignored me ever since we made out on the bus from school." I felt my heart skip a beat.

'Oh no. Not now. Why say that in front of Bakugou?'


I glanced at Bakugou, seeing his horrifying angry glare. "What the hell!?" His voice became louder. "The fuck are you talking about huh!?" My heart beat faster and faster.

"Oh (y/n) didn't tell you huh? Well, we made out on a bus. In fact, we made out for a good 30 minutes I think and I'm sure she loved it because she let out beautiful moans and let me touch her all over, say has she ever let you get that way, assuming you two are together right?" Todoroki smiled an evil smile. I swore I could see steam coming from Bakugou. He clenched his teeth and his fists were clenched so tight I could see his arms shaking. "One thing you half and half bastard... I don't give a damn about what she's done with you got that! I don't care if you're the son of the number 2 pro hero or what... I'LL KICK YOUR ASS! AND IF YOU EVER TRY TO MAKE HER SEEM LIKE A TRAMP I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU UNDERSTAND!?" My eyes widened at his outburst. Todoroki got up and smiled, waving as he left. I turned to face Bakugou. "Bakugou... I-"

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