Chapter Eight

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I woke up with Katsuki sleeping soundly next to me. His big, strong arms wrapped around my waist. I stared at the sleeping boy, adoring his peaceful state.

I slowly untangled myself from Katsuki's grip, trying not to wake him. I roamed his room to find the shirt I was wearing last night and put it on, inhaling his scent on the shirt.

I tiptoed to the kitchen to start making breakfast for Katsuki when he wakes up. I put toast in the toaster and fired up the oven, making eggs and bacon for the sleepy hedgehog.

Just as I was finishing up the eggs I felt arms snake around my waist. "Well good morning my sleepy hedgehog." I giggled. Katsuki slowly traced his hands up and down my hips and gave me little kisses on my neck. "I told you not to call me a hedgehog." He replied with his sleepy voice. I only smiled and pushed him off of me. "Are you hungry? I made breakfast." I smiled, setting down two plates on the table. He groaned. "You know you don't have to feed me every time we're together nerd." He sat down and ate as fast as he could.

Katsuki left the room as soon as he was done eating, coming back with a hoodie and jeans on. I gave him a puzzling look. "Where are you going Katsuki?" I asked softly. "We're going out. I'm not staying home all day doing nothing." He replied, adjusting his hoodie.

I jumped up excited and then I froze. "K-Katsuki I don't have pants!" I blushed and pulled his shirt down further below my knees. He laughed and started walking towards the door, opening it. "My shirt is long enough to cover you down to your thighs dork, but I'll take you home alright." I pouted and walked out of the door with him following me.

We ended up breaking a window because I forgot that my keys were still at Momo's house.

I put on a (f/c) off the shoulder shirt with black jeans. I walked downstairs making sure to grab my spare keys and put them in my purse. "Took you long enough tch." He got up from the couch and stood up, eyeing me. I blushed and continued to the door. "Are we leaving or what?" I spoke softly. "Aw don't act all embarrassed just because I looked at you frosty." He moved in closer sending shivers down my spine. "After all, I've seen more of you already." He whispered into my ear. I pushed his face away and pointed to the door blushing. He grinned and led the way to lord knows where.

"Hey Katsuki, where are we going anyway?" I asked curiously. "Eh? Well, I don't really know. What do girls like to do eh? Go shopping or something?" I giggled. He was totally clueless and it was so cute. "Oi, it would help if you actually got to know me silly." He raised an eyebrow. "You mean I actually gotta show interest in your personal life tch." I crossed my arms and pouted. "I was only kidding idiot tch. I've never had a girlfriend before alright. So what are you into?" He asked. My heart skipped a beat.

'Did he just call me his girlfriend?'

I looked down and smiled, constantly thinking about his words. "Hello frosty? What are you into?" His voice snapped me back into reality. "Huh? O-oh right eheh.. well I like coffee shops, and I love to swim. I like to walk around parks and I have a weird obsession with funnel cake." I nervously smiled. "You sure do talk a lot." I pouted and looked at my feet as we walked. "Damn ease up kid I'm kidding." He said while putting his arm around me, pulling me close to him. I gave him a smile and we walked together hand in hand.

Katsuki brought me to an old coffee shop. The inside dark brown wooden wallpaper and it had dull yellow lights with bright red booths. He led me to a booth, sitting next to me. "Why'd you bring me to a coffee shop Katsuki?" I asked. "Eh? You said you liked coffee shops right?" I blushed and smiled. "So you were actually listening to me..?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Tch of course I was I'm not a complete douchbag dork." I giggled and skimmed through the menu, waiting for the waiter.

"Hello welcome, what would you like today?" A friendly yet familiar voice spoke. I looked up to see the red-headed boy, Kirishima. "Oh, Kirishima hello!" I greeted smiling at him. "Woah hi (Y/n) oh.. and Bakugou... wow what brings you two here? Wait are you two a thing!?" He said getting all excited I smiled nervously. "Just go get us some iced coffees shitty hair." Katsuki said in an impatient tone. Kirishima quickly left retrieving our coffees.

"Here you are, two iced coffees." Kirishima said, smiling. He took a seat next across from me and Katsuki. "The hell are you doing. Aren't you supposed to be on the job? Get off your ass and leave." Katsuki spat. I facepalmed and pushed him. "I'm sorry he's always such an ASS." I smiled nervously. "No (y/n) it's alright. Bakugou isn't Bakugou without his temper." Kirishima laughed and Katsuki looked like he was about to explode.

"Oh hey! Have you heard. The sports festival is supposed to be coming up soon!" Kirishima got excited. "Hell yeah, I can't wait to show these damn rejects who's really number one!" Katsuki screamed. I ducked my head in embarrassment. "(Y/n) aren't you excited for the festival?" Kirishima asked. I shrugged. "It just doesn't seem amusing to me. I don't care whether or not I'm the best, but if it's necessary for becoming a pro hero I'll do it." I had no motivation for this. Both Katsuki and Kirishima looked at me in confusion but soon got back to their conversation about the sports festival.

After about an hour of sports festival talk, Katsuki paid for our drinks and he took me to the park we went to when we were going to Momo's little gathering.

He sat on the swing and sighed. I walked to stand in front of him, swinging my arms around his neck. "What's wrong Katsuki?" I asked looking him in the eyes. "That damn shark boy talked until half-past lunchtime, giving me only a few more hours to be with your stupid ass." I giggled at his attempt to be sweet, but of course, he had to add an insult. "Aw you're so sweet~" I said sarcastically, earning a 'tch' from him.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask, your parents? How come they're never at your house?" I froze and frowned looking down. "They recently died in a car crash and I ended up having to move here with my aunt, but even she doesn't care about my existence. She pays the house bills so that she doesn't have to stay there with me.." Katsuki stood up and hugged me. He was warm. I nuzzled my face into his chest. "Hey, how about you meet my family when they get back from their business trip. They're pretty fucking retarded but and useless but I'm sure they're good for something." He said while facepalming. I giggled and smiled. "I'd love to." I replied, wiping the tears from my eyes. He held me close and began to walk. "C'mon I'll walk you home."

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Woah two chapters in one day plus an appreciative post!? I'm on a roll! Lol not really but I've been really motivated and I've started a couple other stories too but they're still just drafts. If this book becomes somewhat good I'll start writing other stories!

Word count: 1261

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