Chapter Three

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room and bed. The whole room was black and smelt like boys cologne. Even though it smelt nice, the strong smell made my head hurt even more than it already did. It made me wonder why it hurt so much.

I groaned in pain as I touched a certain spot on my head. The loud sound coming from my mouth must've got the attention of whoever was in the house because I heard footsteps towards the room.

"It's about damn time you wake up and get the fuck out of my bed tch." The ash-blonde stormed in, looking me dead in the eye. "Wha-w.. Bakugou? What..happened? W-why am I here?" He gave me a sigh and put a cold washrag on my head. "You might wanna hurry up if you don't wanna be late for school you damn nerd." I looked at him puzzled. "The fuck are you looking at?" He asked without looking at me. I froze. "I-I wanna know.. w-what happened and why I'm here.." He shot me a glance. "Damn you're so annoying. You were in trouble last night so I helped." I looked at him curiously. "Hm? How'd you know where I was?" I asked, looking him in the eyes. "Tch." He looked away and started walking out. "Get the hell out of my room already." He spat. I quickly got up and followed Bakugou.

The walk with Bakugou to school was silent and long. I walked behind him for the majority of the walk. He lived about 5 minutes away from school which means I must love close to him because I live 6½ minutes away.

I took my seat next to the ash blonde, looking anywhere but at him.

I focused on the class door as it opened, meeting eyes with Mr. Aizawa, who was raising an eyebrow at me curiously. "Miss (l/n). What exactly are you wearing?" He asked still making eye contact with me. I looked down at my attire and realized I was still wearing Bakugou's coat. I bit my lip anxiously. "I-I uhm.. w-well I wa-" I was cut off. "She crashed at my house because I found her in trouble. If you need more detail I'll tell you when the whole class isn't here to humiliate and make the situation worse." Bakugou said with a serious expression. I smiled. He stood up for me it was kinda sweet. Mr. Aizawa sat in his desk and looked at the two of us. "Todoroki. Please take (l/n) to the counseling office to get a new uniform. (L/n) I expect you to return Bakugou's UA coat when you get back." I nodded and proceeded to the door with Todoroki. I heard Bakugou let out a growl as I left.

"So (y/n), are you and Bakugou a thing?" Todoroki broke the silence. I blushed at the sudden question. "W-what! N-no that's not it at all." I bit my lip, avoiding eye contact with him. "W-why did you want to know that Todoroki?" I asked still looking away. "Hm well you're wearing his coat so I just assumed you two were a thing." He replied, still wearing that serious expression on his face.

I walked back into the classroom, keeping my head down to avoid everyone's gaze. I gave Bakugou his coat and sat down, fiddling with my thumbs. I couldn't help but notice Todoroki staring at me. His stare sent shivers down my spine. 'Why is he staring at me?' His staring made me feel like there was something wrong with me.

'Did I do something wrong?'

'Is there something wrong with my face or me?'

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Midoriya's voice. "(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you alright?" I jumped as he put his hand on my shoulder. "H-huh! O-oh y-yeah I'm alright.. I just got lost in space I guess.." I smiled nervously, scratching the back of my neck. He gave me a concerned look. "Are you sure (y/n)?" I nodded and gave him a smile. He then held out his hand, standing there waiting for me to grab it. I then looked at the time. 'Ah, lunchtime..'

I walked to the cafeteria with Midoriya. We talked and laughed, he was a really sweet boy. I studied the cafeteria, searching for a specific ash blonde. I grabbed my lunch tray and sat in front of him smiling.

"Tch. What the hell are you doing here?" I only giggled at his comment. "Why I've come to sit with you. Is that a problem?" I raised an eyebrow, taking a bite out of my apple. "Whatever, damn nerd." I smiled and continued eating my lunch with Bakugou.

After a while, I couldn't help but feel as though someone was watching me. I glance around the cafeteria, meeting eyes with the same heterochromic eyed boy that was staring at me earlier. Todoroki.

I got up marching over to Todoroki, leaving Bakugou confused as to why I left so quickly. I stood in front of Todoroki, panting because of the fast pace I walked. "Do you have a problem Todoroki?" I asked furiously. "Why would I have a problem?" He replied, still looking me in the eyes. "There must be some reason you keep stating at me! You know staring is rude! If you have a problem speak up dammit!" I shouted, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. He only stared into my eyes. "Let go of me (y/n) and calm down. I don't have any problem with you, sorry if my staring insulted you." I clenched my teeth at his words. I was still furious and I don't know why. I let him go and went back to my seat.

I sighed and hit my head with my hand. Bakugou looked at me curiously. "Now what the hell are you doing? And what the hell was that with the half and half bastard huh?" I crossed my brows and shot him an angry expression. "That's none of your business." He raised an eyebrow. "Don't get sassy with me you little shit! I asked you a damn question! Answer me!" I looked away avoiding his harsh gaze. "Todoroki wouldn't quit staring at me. It was getting annoying okay." I mumbled, still looking anywhere but his eyes. "Damn that's so stupid. You're telling me that you made a whole fucking scene just because he was staring?" I pouted and rolled my eyes, earning a slight grin from him.

After lunch, I waved Bakugou off heading to the bus stop. Consider what happened the last time I walked alone I thought it better to just take the bus from now on. I took a seat in the back of the bus, putting my headphones in and listening to music. I felt the seat shift and I looked to see who was sitting next to me. To my surprise, it was Todoroki.

'Damn he has some nerve.'

Before I could get a chance to speak, he spoke. "Look, I'm truly sorry if my staring offended you in any way, I guess I just got too carried away, admiring... how pretty you are.." My eyes widened his sudden comment. My heart started to beat faster and faster each minute.

'Why is he saying this?'

'Is this a joke?'

'Is he messing with me?'

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt warm lips meet mine. My eyes widened. Todoroki is kissing me...

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I'm so sorry for the extremely late update! I've been so focused on finishing animes on my watch list and now that I'm saying it aloud I realize it was a dumb excuse >_< I'll make sure to update soon! I'm thinking about writing a Kakashi x Reader because I absolutely love him, but let me know what you guys think! :)

Word count: 1269

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