Chapter Four

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I let the kiss last longer assuming it wouldn't hurt anything. His lips were so warm and the touch of his fingers on my skin sent shivers down my body. He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance and without thinking, obeyed his plead. I let his hands roam free, making me let out small squeaks and moans as he got close to my woman areas. We kissed and let our hands roam for the majority of the bus ride, but something was bugging me. A certain ash-blonde kept popping into my head. I felt... guilty.

I quickly pushed him off of me, leaving only a string of saliva connecting us. He looked at me concerned. "Did I do something wrong (y/n)?" I took a minute to catch my breath. "N-no Todoroki, you didn't it's just me.." I say, looking anywhere but his eyes. "I'm sorry (y/n)." His expression being a little sad. We were silent for the rest of the ride.

I plopped onto my bed sighing at today's events. I couldn't shake the guilty feeling I had.

'Why do I feel guilty?'

'Do I like Bakugou?'

I bit my lip anxiously, trying to get rid of this feeling. I decided to take a cold shower as an attempt to get these thoughts out of my head. I let the cold water run down my body, making me shiver. After about an hour of drenching myself in the cold water, I went and dried off, putting a pair of (f/c) lacy underwear and an oversized T-shirt on.

I laid on my bed on my phone, scrolling through social media's. A particular account on Instagram caught my eye. 'Could it be... phft no way.'

bakugou.k was the username I read. I giggled at the name. I clicked the account and saw pictures of the ash blonde. His angry scowl in most of them made me laugh.

'He's so cute.'

I smiled to myself and followed him, and to my surprise, he followed me back almost immediately.

After a while of screaming at my phone, I decided to text him.

Bakugouuuu hiiiiii :)))

bakugou.k: The hell do u want frosty

Nothing actually. I just wanted to say hi to my favorite person :)

bakugou.k: Leave me alone damn nerd

Aww Bakugou that's so mean and stop calling me names my name is (y/n)

bakugou.k: I don't give a damn about ur name

That's so mean I'm gonna call you Baku-hoe then humphf hm or angry hedgehog that name fits you perfectly it's so cuteee >_<

bakugou.k: I'll fucking kill you and why hedgehog huh I'm not a fucking animal

But your hair reminds me of a hedgehog :) I have an idea how about you come over and well have lots of fun

bakugou.k: I'm not spending my free time with you loser


bakugou.k: No


bakugou.k: No


bakugou.k: Fine damn it where do u live

Omgs yay :) 431 Maple

bakugou.k: Oh wow you live just down the street from me alright whatever I'll be there in a minute I guess

I squeaked and jumped around in excitement. I put shorts on and put my (h/c) hair in a messy bun. I sat on the couch anxiously, waiting for Bakugou's arrival. I was almost lost into space until I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly ran to the door and opened it, greeting him with a big smile. "Bakugouuuu you cameee!!" I almost screamed. "I told you I was coming you damn idiot now shut up!" I smiled and showed him in, leading him to the couch. "Would you like anything to eat or drink Bakugou?" I asked standing next to the couch. I heard him mumble something but I couldn't make out what it was. "What did you say?" He looked up at me quickly flustered. "What! Nothing just get me water or something tch." 'Was he blushing?' I giggled at the thought and went to get his water.

"So Bakugou want to watch a movie?" I asked almost leaning on him waiting for his response. "Sure I don't care but get the hell off of me! You're in my space you damn extra!" He spat. I crossed my arms and pouted. "You know you're a grumpy hedgehog." I felt the couch shift and met eyes with the ash-blonde who was now on top of me. I blushed and tried to avoid his gaze, but he used his hands to keep me in place and make me look up at him in the eyes. "My name is Bakugou you got that? And if you don't I have a method to make you remember." He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. "But I wouldn't suggest it if I were you frosty." My breath hitched as I felt his warm breath on my neck. I bit my lip and moved my hand over his chest, but he moved back and gave me what seemed to be a devilish grin. And it was hot. "Now put on a fucking movie already and quit sitting on your ass." He leaned back into the couch, leaving me frozen in what had just happened.

I got up to put a movie in. I went to get blankets and turned off the lights so we could see the TV better. I threw a blanket on him, earning an angry growl from him. "Oops, I guess I missed." I laughed, sitting down and wrapping myself inside the blanket. "Tch why you little shi-"

"Hush, it's starting." I giggled ignoring what he was going to say. I heard growls and angry noises escape his mouth.

Once we got through about half of the movie I felt my eyes get heavy and my head tilted I'm various directions. I let my eyes close and my head fall, leaning on the closet thing towards me.

Bakugou's POV:

I noticed (y/n) fall on my chest. I tensed up a bit not sure of what I should do. I brushed the loose strands of her (h/c) hair out of her face.

'Damn this girl... what the hell is she doing to me?'

I picked (y/n) up bridal style, roaming her house trying to find her room. I opened the door being careful not to drop (y/n) and set her gently on her bed. I pulled the blankets over her and started to walk out of the room until I was stopped. "D-don't leave.." I could hear her sleepy voice call out to me. She sounded almost sad. "(Y-y/n) I-"

"Please Bakugou.." her grip on my shirt tightened. 'Damn it.' I went and lay on the bed with (y/n). She cuddled up to me, burying her face into my chest. My breath hitched at the sudden contact. Her body was cold, and her fingers were just as cold. I watched (y/n) as she slept. She mumbled in her sleep and it was kinda cute. I brushed her (h/l), (h/c) out of her face, examining her sleeping face. I sighed. "Damn it (y/n). What in the hell are you doing to me." I whispered. I leaned my head back and pulled (y/n) closer to me without thinking I did so. I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep.

3rd Person POV:

Bakugou doesn't know why he feels this way about (y/n). She was the only one who's ever stayed with him and tried to become his friend. Of course, there was Kirishima, but he thought (y/n) was different. He felt protective of her, like he had to protect her. She's the only person he's ever been protective of and she's the only person he's been soft towards. Deep down he knows he truly loves (y/n).

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UWUWUWWUWU I loved making that chapter for you guys! For some reason, I feel like my chapters get shorter and shorter each chapter and I'm so sorry ;-; Yours truly was up until 2 writing this so this chapter may have some errors, feel free to correct me :)

Word count: 1308

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