Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up, but the warm feeling I always felt when I awoke was not. I looked around with a frown on my face hoping to see Katsuki around and to my surprise I did. Katsuki was in my backyard, training harder than ever and ruining everything he could. I sighed and let him be since he was so excited for this. I smiled in awe as I watched him from my window.

I looked at the clock, seeing it was already 7:50 and ran to my closet to get dressed. My clothes were wrinkled and my tie was messed up along with my hair. I yelled at Katsuki that we were going to be late and he ran past me faster than the speed of light. I cursed to myself and ran, following after him but never actually able to catch up to him.

I walked into class and as soon as the doors opened, everyone's eyes were glued to me. I froze in fear, hoping they would look away.

I walked to my desk with my head to the ground, not wanting to face the class. "Hey (Y/n) did you and Bakugou get it on earlier. Is that why you are both late and you are a mess?" Kaminari questioned. I felt my face turn green as if I were about to puke. "What the hell? No, I was just late you stupid pikachu boy. Stay out of my business." I spat, hoping no one would say or ask anything else.

After what seemed like forever, Aizawa finally decided to show up, taking everyone's attention away from me. "Alright I have planned to go to a training ground this weekend so pack and prepare yourselves for the worst. It will be hell for you all." Aizawa told the class, grinning as if torturing kids was fun to him. I understand he wants to make us as strong as we can for the festival, but making kids like mineta almost shit themselves thinking about a hard training day is just cruel.

Aizawa took us all outside in a little area where he would watch us do the exercises we did on the first day all over again to see how much we had grown.

Katsuki grabbed the ball and used his explosions to boost the distance of the ball, the same way he did it the first day of school. "756 meters." Aizawa read. My eyes widened in shock. 'His distance only improved my one number! How!?' Katsuki's teeth grinded and his fists clenched, seeing he did not improve. I could tell he was upset. I wanted to hug him, but he just clicked his tongue and walked off. I though if he improve by one, I definitely had gotten weaker. Little did I improved tremendously, with no extra training. I did the same thing I did on that first day and I got 750 meters. My distance shocked me and Katsuki looked even more disappointed in himself. Katsuki's fists clenched and he walked away from the class. I knew he left to blow off some steam but I was concerned for him. Katsuki is the strongest guy I have ever met and he thinks highly of his reputation and his power. I know watching me who has hardly used their power improve so much was hard for him.

After the results got in Katsuki still managed to get first while I got third. I noticed Katsuki leave, so I followed wondering what he was up to.

I turned the corner, seeing him punch walls and use his explosions on the concrete. I ran to him, hugging him as tight as I could. "Get off of me you damn extra!" He screamed. I knew he did not mean it. I knew he was just frustrated, but his words still managed to make me cry. "Katsuki pl-" He interrupted. "Get the hell off of me (y/n)!" He screamed again, shoving me on the ground and scratches and scrapes appeared on me. Tears began to appear. As I cried, Katsuki noticed what he had done was wrong. He reached for my hand and tried to pick me up. "(Y/n) I'm sorry... I did not me-" I slapped his hand away from me. "Do not touch me Bakugou!" I cried, standing up on my own. Katsuki looked as if his heart broke as soon as I said Bakugou. "I'm sorry (y/n).." He said softly, walking closer to me. I only backed up while the tears just kept coming. "I need to go." I replied, my voice shaky and quiet. Katsuki shook his head no and grabbed for me but I backed up yet again, this time turning around and walking elsewhere. "(Y/n) don't leave me.." He mumbled but I shook my head and ran as fast as I could. I ran and ran until my eyes became so blurry I fell. As I sat there in the street, it began to rain. I cried even more, knowing that if anyone saw me the rain would hide my tears.

After a while of crying in the rain, I realized it was getting dark and headed home. I walked down the dark alleyways, seeing rats and bugs. I gagged and proceeded home.

As I walked home, a shadowy figure appeared in the distance. "Katsuki?" I questioned hoping it was him, but after the things I said to him I was sure it was not him. My heart raced as the figure got closer. I turned the other was, with however that is following me. I turned down the alleyway, hoping I'd loose them, but failed. I started running away, breathing heavily as I thought I was going to die.

I tripped, hitting my head on a dumpster. A man with dark hair and blue orbs appeared. The man had blue flames, that were both cold and hot. My eyes began to blur and shut slightly. A single tear ran off of my cheek, thinking this is the end. I left Katsuki, and he will never forgive me..

My eyes closed, seeing nothing but darkness.

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