Chapter Ten

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I woke up refreshed and ready to get the day started. I feel like it's been forever since I saw my classmates.

I went to shower and put my UA uniform on. I grabbed my bag and quickly headed out the door, eager to see all of my friends' faces again.

Just as I got out of the door, I ran into a familiar ash-blonde boy. "Where the hell are you going in such a rush?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me and holding me in place. "To school silly, duh." I retorted, trying to get out of his grasp, but failed. "Katsuki.. let me go we're going to be late." I whined. He let out a low chuckle and let go of my arms. He entangled his hand in mine, making a blush creep on my face.

We walked through the big doors of class 1a hand in hand, making everyone stare at us in shock. I tried to let go of Katsuki's hand but he only held it tighter, making me wince. "K-Katsuki... t-they're staring.." I cried, but he only let out a 'tch' and walked to his seat, dragging me along with him.

As I walked to my seat, I couldn't help but notice Todoroki's intense stare. His heterochromic eyes felt like they were piercing my soul. He had a look of jealousy.. disgust even. I looked away quickly, biting my lip anxiously. "Eh? What's the matter?" Katsuki asked, looking concerned. "What? Oh, it's nothing." I smiled nervously. He raised an eyebrow and slumped back into his chair. "You know I've picked up on your habits dumbass. You always bit your lip when you're nervous or anxious I'm not an idiot." He spat. I looked down and twiddled my thumbs. "Well.. T-Todoroki was l-looking at me weirdly..." I mumbled, still looking down in my lap. He let out a 'tch' and went over towards Todoroki. I slouched down in my chair on covered my face, hoping he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Hey, half and half bastard. You have a problem or something?" He asked, grabbing Todoroki by the collar. Todoroki looked Katsuki in the eye with his normal bored expression. "Let me go." Todoroki replied, ignoring Katsuki's question. Katsuki tightened his grip on his collar. "I'll kick your ass answer me!" He yelled, earning a few looks from the class.

"That's enough Bakugou, take your seat." Aizawa said, walking into the room. Katsuki let go of his collar harshly and stomped back to his seat. "Alright, I'm sure you've all heard about the sports festival coming up." Mr. Aizawa said while taking a seat at his desk. The whole class went crazy. They were all excited to show what they could do.

"This means you all need to train harder than before, almost to your breaking point." Aizawa said, eyeing every single one of us. "Lunch will start in a couple of minutes so go ahead and leave, I need a nap." Mr. Aizawa says, zipping himself up in his yellow sleeping bag.

I walked to the lunchroom with Katsuki and Kirishima, who were totally ignoring my presence. I sighed and found Midoriya and Uraraka. I took a seat next to across the two. "Hey (y/n)! You're not with Bakugou?" Uraraka asked. "No not today.." I frowned, glancing over at Katsuki and Kirishima.

A certain red and white-haired boy came to sit next to me, blocking my view of Katsuki and making me jolt up in shock. "T-Todoroki.." I said worriedly. "Yes (y/n) what is it?" He asked, slinging his arm around my chair. "W-why are you sitting here?" I asked, slowly moving away from him. "These are my friends too (y/n), I always sit with them." He smiled. "Oh.. well I think I'm going to go now." I said getting up, but Todoroki grabbed at my sleeve, making me sit back down. I sent him a confused look. "T-Todoroki..?" He gave me an apologetic look. "Listen.. I'm sorry I acted like a douche and all... seeing the girl I love with a jerk like Bakugou really set me off you know?" He said, looking down at his lap. I hesitated to forgive him, but I did, putting a hand on his shoulder. I sent him a smile.

Todoroki and I talked to each other for most of lunch. I started to realize how funny and sweet he is. He made me feel happy. "Todoroki.. I'm sorry... for what I've done to you.." I said, looking anywhere but his eyes. He placed his hand under my chin, making me look at him. "Don't worry about it (y/n). As long as you're happy with Bakugou, I'm okay with that." He smiled. I blushed at the sudden contact. Our faces were mere centimeters apart. My breathing got heavier and his intense gaze sent shivers down my spine.

"What the hell is this?" A familiar spiky-haired boy interrupted, making me jolt away from Todoroki. "K-Katsuki I wasn't... we weren't.." I stuttered. "I look away from you for ten minutes and you're on another guy for attention is that it huh?" He said, raising his voice. "K-Katsuki please I promise I didn't do anything." I pleaded with tears filling my eyes. "You expect me to believe that crap. You were all over him! You want his attention fine have it because I don't have time for a dirty slut bag who's just going to go fuck with other guys when I turn my head!" He screamed while walked off. I flinched at the name he called me. Tears filled my eyes. "(Y/n) it's alright please it's okay." Todoroki said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "H-he didn't believe me.. I-I love him Todoroki!" I cried.

Todoroki clenched his fists cursing under his breath. "Don't worry (y/n). I'll fix this. I won't let him get away with this.." He left me at the lunch table alone, crying like a newborn baby.

Todoroki's POV:

The nerve of that bastard calling (y/n) a slut. He doesn't deserve (y/n). Anger filled within me. He isn't going to get away with this...

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Woah I have not updated this in so long my bad 😬!! My inspiration for this is slowly fading I'm so sorry... I may try to wrap this up. I like the 12 of you enjoy this >_<!

Word Count: 1039

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