Chapter Nine

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"W-will you stay for a little bit?" I asked Katsuki as we approached my house. "Tch, why the hell would I do that?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I puffed my cheeks and pouted. "Fine be that way, I didn't want your rude ass in my house anyway." I spat as I unlocked the door. "Damn it you need to lighten up. I was joking." He said as he ruffled my hair and walked inside.

I went up to my room to put a (f/c) T-shirt and (f/c) shorts on. I went downstairs to see Katsuki on the couch scrolling through his phone. I walked over and peeped over his shoulder. "Whatcha looking at?" I asked, trying to get a glimpse of his screen. "Tch get out of my business idiot." He replied as he pulled me over the couch, making me land on top of him. I tried to move, but his strong arms held me in place. I blushed. "K-Katsuki.. l-let go of me." I stuttered still attempting to get out of his grasp. "The hell are you doing? Stay still and behave." His voice sent shivers down my spine.

I sat there in his lap silently for what felt like hours until he spoke. "You know (y/n), I let go of you a long time ago so you must really like it on my lap." He whispered seductively in my ear. My face turned red as a tomato and I bolted up off of him. "K-Katsuki y-you told me n-not to move." I blurted, looking away from his gaze in embarrassment. He got up and put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "You're cute when you're all flustered." He chuckled then smirked. I looked away, still embarrassed.

He let go of me and sat back on the couch, turning the TV on and patting the spot next to him. I grabbed a blanket and sat down next to him watching a show about some blonde kid and some emo, duck-haired boy. (Yes, yours truly is making a Naruto reference because why not lol.)

'Hm kinda reminds me of the was Katsuki and Midoriya act.' I thought to myself and giggled. "Eh? What the hell's so funny huh?" Katsuki asked, raising an eyebrow and piercing into my (e/c) eyes. I scratched the back of my head, smiling nervously. "Oh, nothing eheh.." I replied. Katsuki sighed and reached his arm around me. "Why do you gotta sit so far away huh? Am I that scary or what?" He asked pulling me closer, making me land on his chest. I smiled and nuzzled my nose into his chest, watching the TV.

After approximately two hours, Katsuki looked down at his phone and sighed, getting off of the couch and gathering his things. I looked at him confused and sad. "Katsuki.. where are you going?" I asked in a heartbreaking tone. "He walked towards me and hugged me. "My parents are home and I need to go back so they don't get on my ass. Tch damn idiots." I laughed and hugged him tighter. "Okay it's alright." I smiled, pulling away. He brushed my (h/l), (h/c) hair out of my eyes and leaned in closer to my face, connecting our lips. I felt my face get hot and kissed him back, tangling my hands in his ash blonde hair. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes with a somewhat sad expression. "I'm sorry (y/n) I gotta go now, I'll be here before school tomorrow so I can walk you alright." He said before patting my head and leaving. I frowned and cleaned up, wishing he didn't have to go.

Katsuki's POV:

I unlocked the door to be greeted by my parents. "KATSUKI BAKUGO THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN HUH!?" My mother screamed as I took off my shoes. "Shut up old hag it doesn't matter." I spat, continuing to my room. "Oh, by the way, my girlfriend... her name is (y/n) and I'd like her to meet you worthless chumps so don't act stupid or whatever got that?" I said as I closed the door.

I laid on my bed almost falling asleep until I head my door practically being kicked down. "GIRLFRIEND OH BAKUGOU MY BABY HAS GROWN UP SO MUCH!!" My mother squealed. "What's she like? How old is she? Is she nice? Does she go to UA too?" My mom rambled questions on and on. "The hell!? There's a fucking doorknob you dumbass! And I'm not your baby fucking idiot! You'll meet her soon so get off my ass and outta my room!" I screamed as I pushed her out, putting my door back in the right place.

I lay back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. 'Damn why did I say she'd meet those dumbasses.' I sighed and drifted off.

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I'm so sorry for not posting in a while. I've had a major case of writers block, plus I've been watching Attack On Titan and I must say it's a MUST WATCH if you haven't already. Also, I'm so sorry for the extremely short chapter, I honestly have no excuse for it but I'll try to update more often yeet.

Word Count: 828

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