Chapter Eleven

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Todoroki's POV:

I quickly left the cafeteria, storming after Bakugou. My blood boiled with fury as I searched the hallways and empty classrooms. 'Where the hell is that bastard?'

I searched and searched until I came across the courtyard, seeing Bakugou sitting on a ledge. I marched over towards him and grabbed him by the collar of his uniform. "What the hell is your problem? (Y/n) didn't kiss me and she definitely isn't a slut!" I yelled, gripping his shirt tighter. "Get the hell off me you half and half freak! If she wasn't kissing you, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TWO DOING SO DAMN CLOSE HUH! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WASTE ON SOME SLUT!" He spat. I clenched my jaw and fists, punching him out of anger. "You didn't even let her explain! Quit calling her that, she isn't!" I panted. He raised an eyebrow at me, giving me that angry look and charged at me.

They threw punches and kicks as if it were a fight to the death. I noticed (y/n) running towards us out of the corner of my eye, but that didn't stop me from wanting to kick Bakugou's ass. "Todoroki! Katsuki! Stop it!" She cried trying to pull us apart but got hit while she did so. "(Y/n) I'm sorry I-" I cut Bakugou off. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't call her names you bastard." I spat, pulling (y/n) from off of the ground.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I took Todoroki's hand as he pulled me up off of the ground. My now purple jaw throbbed in pain. Tears slowly fell from my eyes. "K-Katsuki.." I mumbled, looking into his crimson eyes. His eyes were filled with regret and sorrow. "(Y/n), I'm sorry.." He said, turning away to hide his face, probably because he was crying. I nodded towards Todoroki, gesturing that I was okay and that I'd like to be alone with him. He hesitated to leave, but then gave me a soft smile before nodding.

I walked over to Katsuki and made him l look at me. I saw the tears in his eyes, something I never knew Katsuki did...

"K-Katsuki.. I-" He cut me off by connecting our lips. The kiss was passionate and filled with sadness. He pulled away, locking his eyes to mine. "I shouldn't have acted out like that. I'm sorry (y/n). It's just, I lost it... seeing you with him so close.." He admitted, looking away in shame. I smiled at his honesty and hugged him. "It's okay to be jealous Katsuki, but just... trust me okay? I'm not going to leave you alright?" I reassured him, nuzzling my face into his chest. He let out a shaky breath and wrapped his arms around me tighter, pulling me closer to him.

Katsuki pulled away after what seemed like only seconds and headed off to class, but not before giving me a warm smile.

'His smile..'

I returned the smile and went to find Todoroki so that I could tell him everything was okay.

"I didn't know relationships are this hard.." I admitted, smiling nervously. "There's always going to be fights and misunderstandings in a relationship (y/n). The key is forgiveness and trust." Todoroki said, keeping his eyes ahead. I hummed in response and entered the classroom with Todoroki, earning a look of disapproval from Katsuki. I sighed and grabbed Todoroki but the sleeve of his uniform, dragging him towards where Katsuki and I sit.

"Alright you two, listen up," I said confidently. "Todoroki is just a friend now okay Katsuki.. I promise. Now please can't you two just be nice and get along." I whined, slumping into my seat. Katsuki let out a 'tch' while Todoroki sighed and looked the other direction. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "That's it, I'm not afraid to beat both of your stubborn asses right here right now got it!? Now, grow a pair and be nice!" I yelled, glaring at the two idiots. Their eyes were wide in shock and amusement. The boys agreed to 'play nice' and I smiled, feeling accomplished. "Just so you know Frosty, you couldn't land a single hit on me even if you tried." Katsuki retorted, smiling maliciously. I shot him a glare and rolled my eyes, earning a low chuckle from Katsuki.


The class was dismissed and I walked home with Katsuki who was looking down at his phone for the majority of the walk. I stood on my toes and peeped over his shoulder. "Hm? Whatcha lookin at?" I spoke, making him jump. "What the hell? Don't do that you idiot!" He screamed. I giggled and grabbed his hand, taking the phone out of his grasp. "It's not safe to text and walk, especially when it's dark stupid." I spat, shoving his phone into my purse. He shot me an angry glare and tried to reach for it, but I quickly dodged his grasp, teasingly waving his phone in front of his face. "What, you want this back?" I questioned with a smirk plastered on my face. He growled and pushed me against the door of my house as we approached it. "Unless you wanna get punished you good for nothing brat, I'd suggest you give me my shit back." He whispered into my ear, making me shiver. Me being amused at his desperate state wanted to test him. Let's see just his much the great Katsuki Bakugou can take.

"No." I firmly said, smiling like an idiot. He raised an eyebrow at me. "The hell you say?" He said, pushing me against the door even harder. I let out a slight moan as his grip on my wrist tighten. He cocked his head and gave me a confused look. "So you're enjoying this are you?" He whispered seductively into my ear.

He opened my door and pushed me inside, slamming me into the wall. Lord only knows what's in store for us this evening.

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Okay so when it comes to the A/n's, I don't really know what to say and it's not like you guys actually read these 😅, so I'm only going to do A/n's if I feel the need to explain something or maybe if I need to vent.. idk. Also, word counts aren't all that interesting so I will no longer be putting that after every story. Anyways, vote+comment+share! I hope you guys are enjoying this! >//<

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