Chapter Twelve🍋

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I let out a yelp as my body hit the wall. I had to admit this aggressive side of Katsuki was turning me on, though wasn't he always aggressive?

His hands trailed up my waist, making me shudder at his touch. His head moved to my neck, leaving small kisses all the way down to my collarbone.

He moved his lips, connecting them on mine. I moved my hips, grinding them up against Kastuki's already growing bulge. He hummed in response, and grabbed my butt, pulling my lower region harder against his. "Ngh K-Katsuki~" I moaned into the kiss, lacing my fingers into his ash blonde hair. He pulled back and shot me his signature smirk. He unbuttoned his uniform shirt, revealing his magnificent toned chest. Feeling a bit cheeky, I ran my index finger down the middle of his chest, then tugged at the hem of his uniform pants, eager for his touch. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head, earning a whine from me. "Now now, you're being punished. Little sluts like you don't deserve to touch me." He whispered in my ear. I moaned at the name and bit my lip. "B-but Katsuki~" I cried. He only smirked and traveled to my neck, biting and leaving marks wherever his mouth made contact with. My breath hitched as his mouth sucked a certain spot on my neck. "So that's your sweet spot huh?" He questioned, attacking that same spot even more.

Getting impatient I took it upon myself to push him off of me and forced him on the couch. I straddled his waist, grinding against his crotch. He gave in to my touch and let it slide, seeing as he desperately needed it.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me harder onto him, making a moan slip from my mouth. He undid my tie and unbuttoned my UA uniform, leaving me in only my skirt and (f/c) bra. He eyed me hungrily, making me bite my lip.

I connected our lips, biting and sucking on his lower lip. His growls are what kept me going. He picked me up and walked to the bedroom, pushing me down harshly on the soft mattress. He pushed his body on mine and traced his hands up and down my figure, stopping at my chest. He squeezed my left breast, earning a loud moan from me. He gave me that sexy smirk and slowly undid my bra, making my breasts bounce lightly. He took my left breast into his mouth, sucking and lightly biting my bud while he massaged the other. "Ngh Katsu-ki~" I moaned, entangling my fingers in his messy blonde hair. He switched and did the same treatment to my other breast, making me let out small moans as he did so.

Katsuki pushed himself upwards and kissed my neck lightly, making me hum in response. I moved my hips up towards his, trying to feel him against me. His hand traveled down to my lower region and rubbed me through my underwear. "Katsuki!" I moaned louder than intended. He gave me a small chuckle and growled, pushing himself off of me and leaning his head back, rubbing his obviously visible bulge. I bit my lip seeing him in such a vulnerable and desperate state.

I scooted up, sitting on my knees and brushed my hands over the bulge in his pants. "Can I help you with that?" I asked, biting my lip and squeezing my thighs together to soothe my aching womanhood. He growled and I took that as a yes.

I moved to the edge of my bed and kissed his member through the cloth covering it, making a groan escape his lips. I smiled and tugged at the hem of his pants, pulling his large member out of them. I licked the tip teasingly, making him growl and grab a chunk of my hair, pushing his full length into my mouth. I grazed my teeth against his shaft and hummed for his pleasure of course. I stroked what didn't fit in my mouth, driving him over the edge. He came inside of my mouth and I happily swallowed the sticky substance.

He pushed me over the bed and crawled on top of me, kissing me from my belly up to my lips. I moaned at his actions. Getting tired of the foreplay, he quickly ripped off my skirt and underwear and positioned himself at my entrance.

Without warning, he rammed himself into me, making me scream out in both pleasure and pain. He thrusted into me at an inhumane pace. "Mph K-Katsuki!" I screamed as he kept hitting a certain spot. "Dammit (y/n) you're so tight~" He moaned.

A few more thrusts into me was enough to drive me over the edge. I felt a knot build up into my stomach. "Ngh Katsuki I'm going to.." I tried, but my words didn't come out due to the amount of pleasure I was feeling. He only grinned and thrusted into me faster and harder, making me release my liquids that built up. "Katsukiii!" I screamed as I came. Me calling out his name got to him. He pulled out of my entrance and released his warm, sticky substance on my lower abdomen and moaned my name.

He crashed down next to me, laying on his back and panting. The room was filled with both a sweaty smell and loud breaths. I moved up against him even though we were both a sweaty mess and cuddled next to him. He groaned because of the extra heat that was radiating off of my body but I ignored his plead, wanting to fall asleep in his arms. He sighed and put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. "Y'know I love you, right Frosty?" He spoke softly, resting his chin on the top of my head. I gasped at his words. "W-what?" I questioned. "Tch what you don't love me?" He asked, sounding a bit hurt. "No no of course I do. I love you too Katsuki, it's just I don't think you've ever said "I love you"." I replied, wrapping my arms around him tightly. "Tch shut it and go to sleep." He spat. I could tell he was embarrassed and it was so cute. This boy was really getting to me. I loved him, so much. I'd do anything for him, even if it's staying in the shadows. I'd gladly watch him grow to the top.

I smiled, knowing Katsuki was truly mine and fell asleep, dreaming about what a future with him would be like.


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