Chapter Sixteen

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I opened my eyes slowly, not sure of where I was or why. I noticed I was in chains, sitting in a single wooden chair. I tried to use my quirk to Freeze the chains but ultimately failed. My heart beat faster it should. "Ah (y/n), you are awake. Finally." A dark voice spoke. I looked for the source of the voice, but they were hidden in the shadows. "I have seen you grow so much over the past year at UA." They added, then coming out of the darkness. "Who the hell are you and what do you want?" I spat, tugging at the chains that held me. "My dearest daughter. Surely you remember your father's voice." He replied, his face now in sight. My eyes widened as I looked at his features. His hair, his skin, his voice, it was him. My father was standing right in front of me. "What the hell? Liar! You can not be my father! My father died!" I screamed, still thinking this is unbelievable. "Believe it or not, I am your father." He spoke again. Thoughts and questions flooded my mind. "Oh yeah, what about mom! What happened to her then huh?" I questioned, hoping he'd say the wrong answer to prove he was not my dad. "Everyone else told you we died. You do not know what happened you were merely a child. The thing is we did not both die. I simply killed your mother." He grinned. My heart skipped a beat. This could not be happening. "I am Shigaragi, your father. And I will take you to All For One so he can take your quirk. You see (y/n), letting you remain at UA and travel the course of your life without your mother and I were all for a purpose. To serve All For One, and now that you have become the mini hero you are you are ready to fulfill the duty of your birth to him." He added, smiling maliciously. My fists clenched and my facial expression became serious. I knew I was going to have to fight for my freedom and i knew he was not going to let me go so easily.

Bakugou's POV:

It has been a couple weeks since I spoke to (y/n) let alone seen her. She has not been at school either. I was worried.

Later that day afterschool, I walked over to her house, noticing all the lights were off and the door was locked. She was not answering so I got the spare key she kept hidden and searched her house, not seeing any sign (y/n) was there. I called her ten times each day and she never answered. I was beginning to get scared. 'What if she is in danger?'

I ran back to the school. Being after hours I knew only the teachers should be there which was all I needed. I ran for the teachers lounge and barged in, breathing heavily as I was out of breath. "Hn? Bakugou what brings you here? School ended three hours ago." Mr. Aizawa stated. "Shut up and listen. (Y/n) is gone! She is not at her house and she has not shown up for weeks. Get off your asses and notice something! Find her!" He yelled. "Calm down young Bakugou, we are aware that she is missing and we have been trying to find her, because if she stops attending classes, she will have to take the hero course again. We know she would never intentionally miss school. Don't worry." All might said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I pushed it off of me and slammed my hands on the table. "Dammit we do not have time to sit here and looke for her slowly we need to go now!" I said, clenching my teeth. "Bakugou, stop. We will find her. Now go home and get some rest." Aizawa said in his monotone voice. I 'tched' and left, slamming the door as I walked out. 'I am not just going to sit on my ass and do nothing. I am going to find her. With help or not."

I sat at my computer desk, looking for potential places she could have gone. I called a Kirishima and even though I hate him, I told Todoroki to come too. He would be big help since he is one of the strongest in our class.

As I paced back and forth, the bell rang and I ran to the door, knowing it would be Kirishima and Todoroki. "Thank you for coming. I know it is laye and a lot to ask but thank you for coming here to help." I said, greeting them in, but then Deku appeared. "What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned, shutting the door as he walked in. "I-I know (y/n) is missing and I thought I could help. I have been taking notes over every one in our class and I know how to look at the cameras around the city. You do not have to like me kacchan, but I think I can find where (y/n) is." He stated, holding his head up high. It is not like Deku to be so confident about something, but I sighed and agreed to team up with him. He is a smart kid and I do believe he could find (y/n).

After what seemed like hours Deku said he found something. He told me that the night we fought, she went down alleyways to get home since it was the fastest route. He said the she was being followed by someone and got captured and judging by the persons blue fiery quirk, Deku and I have seen them before. Dabi is what Deku said his name was. He was in the league of villains but we do not know where their hideout would be. My teeth clenched as I found out who she was with. Todoroki and Kirishima were looking for potential places the League Of Villains would bring (y/n) but we had no luck. I walked back and forth impatiently, shaking my hands nervously.

Everyone was about to give up, including myself until Todoroki said he got something. "There is a building that man went in with (y/n) and they never came out. I think she could be in there somewhere." Todoroki said, pointing at the camera that was on repeat with (y/n) slung over the mans shoulder going into a weird looking restaurant. "You think we can go there tonight?" I asked Deku, who was probably thinking of many strategies and possibilities. "I suppose we could go over there right now, but we would not get very far. One, that is on the other side of town and the trains are down this late at night. Two, we are not sure of what is in there and why (y/n) is in there. We should wait until tomorrow, so that I can get a second opinion for Iida. He should have a strategy in place. I texted him before I left." Deku replied, scratching his head. I sighed and looked down. "Alright... I guess we will wait, but I will not wait any longer than tomorrow. If we do not have a plan, I will walk in there myself and get her." I stated. The boys nodded and left.

'(Y/n)... I am so sorry.. I promise I will save you.' I thought as I lay in my bed, drifting off to sleep.

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A/n: I am thinking of ending this right as soon as she gets saved. This book has been so hard to keep up with lol. And I am running out of ideas. The final chapters will be published maybe within the next couple weeks! I have a lot of time due to the Corona virus quarantine;-;. Anyways, stay safe and enjoy.

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