Chapter Five

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I woke up with strong arms around me. I looked up to see Bakugou. It felt extremely nice and warm so I nuzzled my face back into his chest, cuddling him but I guess I woke him up. He stirred and moved around, slowly opening his eyes. "Eh? What the hell are you doing?" I blushed and froze. Our faces were only inches apart. "I-I was just uhm.. going to make breakfast. Yeah that's it." I sat up and scratched the back of my neck, smiling nervously. He raised an eyebrow and turned the other way. "Tch. Whatever. Don't wake me up." I let out a low sigh and left towards the kitchen.

I turned the stove on and made eggs and bacon. I made two plates one being for Bakugou when he decides to get up. I sat back in the dining chair checking my phone.

Two new messages from Todoroki

Todoroki: Hey (y/n) are you alright? I'm sorry I don't know what came over me.

Todoroki: (Y/n) please talk to me..

I decided to ignore the message. I didn't want to talk to him, especially about our little kiss.

I noticed a certain ash-blonde coming from around the corner. "Well good morning sleeping beauty. Sleep well?" I said laughing in the process. "Shut up damn nerd." His voice sounded sleepy. His hair was even messier than it already was and he looked hot. I stared not knowing I was doing so. He raised an eyebrow and gave me an evil grin. "Hm? You like what ya see or what?" He smiled looking me in the eyes intensely. I blushed and looked away, biting my lip. "Relax I was only kidding. Damn."

He got up and started to get his things. I couldn't help but frown. 'Is he going to leave?' "B-bakugou? D-do you maybe.. want to... h-hang out later..?" I mumbled looking down at my twiddling thumbs. "Why the hell would I do that?" He asked, still gathering his things. "Tsk because you're nice and I'll keep calling you an angry hedgehog." I giggled to myself. "I TOLD YOUR DUMB ASS TO QUIT CALLING ME THAT! IM NOT A FUCKING ANIMAL SO SHUT THE HELL UP!" He panted clenching his fists and teeth. I only laughed and got up on my tiptoes to pat his head. "Aww see you are an angry hedgehog." I smiled. "Tch I'll be back and I'll kick your pathetic ass you hear me!" He stormed out mumbling. 'Gosh he's so cute.' I smiled to myself.

I went to shower and brush my teeth, fixing myself up. I put on a (f/c) tank top with a black skirt and brushed my (h/l), (h/c) hair, letting it flow down. I lay down on my bed and checked my phone.

New message from Momo:

Momo: Hey what's up (y/n)!

Hey Momo, you need something

Momo: I was just wondering if you'd like to come over to a party at my place. I'm inviting the whole class and we're just gonna hang out and have fun. Just to get to know each other better an all you know?

I smiled at my phone.

Yeah sounds great what time

Momo: I was thinking maybe 7ish.

Okay, I'll be there can't wait :)

It was about lunchtime when I heard the doorbell ring. I skipped happily to the door and opened it, greeting who was there with a big smile. Before I could say something I was pushed in the house roughly. Bakugou held an angry face. He shut the door, lifted me up and slammed me against the wall, putting both his arms on either side of me against the wall. "I still gotta kick your ass eh?" I froze. 'Was he really going to hurt me?' I felt my heart beat faster and faster, feeling scared for what he was about to do. He raised his hand. I flinched thinking he was going to slap me, but only got flicked on the forehead. I opened my eyes and gave him a puzzled look. "What were you scared frosty?" He chuckled and backed away from me. "Call me a hedgehog one more time I dare you, I won't be nice the next time got that you damn nerd." I nodded, still frozen against the wall.

"So what're we doing anyways. I'm not spending my free time here doing nothing with you." I snapped out of my thoughts and gathered my words. "Oh, Momo invited me to a party at her place. The whole class is going to be there, so would you like to join me?" His brows crossed, giving me an angry expression. "The hell? I'm not hanging out with all those damn rejects!" I grabbed his hand and marched out the door. "Too bad you're going whether you like it or not. It's not until 7 anyways so we have time to hang out before it starts and I'm not taking no for an answer." He growled in response. I smiled feeling accomplished.

We walked through the city together. Bakugou grabbed my arm and I looked up at him curiously. "I have somewhere I wanna go. Since we're going to that lame-ass party that I don't want to go to you should do something I wanna do. Seem fair frosty?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I blushed and nodded, letting him lead the way.

We made it to a park and I looked at him puzzled. "Bakugou, why are we here?" I asked. He went and leaned on a swing and I followed. "I always came to this park when I was little. I'd always fight with the kids here and sometimes I came here and sat right here alone." I stood next to the swing he was on, holding onto the chain. "Hm." I smiled. "But why bring me here?" He looked into my eyes giving me a curious look. "I don't really know. I guess I just wanted to visit here again." He looked up at the sky. I couldn't help but stare at him. He comes off as a rude jerk but really he is sweet. He looked me in the eyes for a while in silence. "You wanna swing or what?" I blushed and looked away. "I.. don't really know how to swing... and I'm terrified of heights," I mumbled. He gave me a weird look and got up. He pulled me close to him and sat me on the swing, walking behind me. He grabbed my hands from behind me and moved them towards the chain. I felt his face move towards my ear, feeling his hot breath on my neck. "Well, you gotta hold on first idiot." He started to push me slowly, letting me get used to the feeling. Each minute he pushed harder, making me go higher and I couldn't help but squeal. "Dammit relax I'm not gonna push you over the railing damn nerd." I eased up and smiled.

My skirt flew up every time I went up and I got scared that Bakugou would see, so I screamed and freaked out making him slow me down and holding me in place by my waist. "You alright frosty?" I blushed and looked down. "M-my skirt... was going up.." He then walked in front of me and helped me off the swing. "What the hell? You think I care? Tch. Whatever come on it's almost 7."

I nodded and started walking to Momo's house with Bakugou. It was a little dark and I was scared, but I had Bakugou with me so I felt a little safe. I couldn't help but jump when I heard noises in alleys. I scooted closer and closer to Bakugou, eventually grabbing onto his arm. I heard him chuckle and I looked up at him to see him smile. "What you're afraid of the dark too eh?" I let go of his arm and looked away feeling ashamed, but he pulled me back to him, putting his arm around me. "I didn't say it was wrong quit pouting tch." I blushed looked down at my feet.

I trembled in the dark cold. I was only wearing my tank top and skirt and sighed realizing what a mistake that was. Bakugou took notice of my trembling and threw his black hoodie over me. "Put it on." I looked at him concerned. "A-are you sure.. it's cold out an-"

"Shut up and put it on dammit." I nodded and put it on. It went past my skirt, going down to my mid-thigh. The sleeves dragged down. It was obviously way too big for me, but I smiled at his thought. His hoodie smelt amazing and it was so warm.

We approached Momo's and arrived at 7:10. Her house was huge, I couldn't believe my eyes.

The giant door opened with Momo waiting at the door, smiling. "(Y/n)! And Bakugou? Wow, I'm surprised you came. Come in."

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I'm so excited to write the next chapter I have great things planned. This is keeping me on edge too and I'm the writer XD.
Ps: If some of this chapter feels off or kinda sad so sorry, I was watching 'Marley & Me' and I got distracted, and if there's spelling errors please correct me! There were many tears in my eyes I couldn't see or focus >~< LOL That's always an excuse eekekeke anyways peacee!

Word Count: 1502

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