Chapter Thirteen

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The bright light shining through the curtains of my window made me groan and wake up. I noticed the sleepy hedgehog next to me, sleeping soundly. His ash blonde hair glowing in the sunlight. I awed at the sleeping boy and stared at him, adoring his sleepy features.

I went to shower and get dressed, putting my school uniform on and brushing my hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror, proud of the way I looked. I went to the kitchen, making a quick and light breakfast for both the angry hedgehog and I. In the middle of getting the toast ready, I felt two, strong arms snake around my waist. I giggled and turned to face him, slinging my arms around his neck. "Well look who's up." I giggled, lightly kissing his cheek. He let out a low growl which sent shivers throughout my body and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. I patted his hair and lightly pushed him off of me, continuing to make breakfast.

"Hungry?" I asked, setting two plates down on the table. "Y'know, you don't gotta get up early just to make breakfast for me everyday right?" He spoke, fiddling with his food. I smiled and giggled a little. "What kind of a girlfriend would I be if I didn't even make breakfast for my boyfriend silly. I don't want him to starve." I replied, taking a seat next to him and eating.

We are in silence for most of breakfast. I cleaned up the dirty plates while Katsuki got dressed for school. I yawned and rubbed my eyes in exhaustion, grabbing my school bag and phone in the process.

"You ready?" Katsuki asked, slinging his backpack of his shoulder. I nodded and followed him out the door. The walk to school was unbearably silent. He took notice of my sad features so he entangled his warm hands in mine, making me smile just a little. "Hn? Are you okay?" He asked with concern filling his voice. I looked up at him and gave him a soft smile. "I'm okay." I replied, squeezing his hand tighter. He gave me a questioning look but didn't say anything after that.

We arrived at school, walking hand in hand to our class. We entered the classroom and sat, waiting for Mr. Aizawa.

The class got silent as the door opened up, seeing a long yellow bag fall to the floor. 'What the hell is he doing?' I thought, looking Mr. Aizawa directly in the eyes. I couldn't help but crack a smile at the sight. He raised his eyebrow and got out of his sleeping bag. "Miss (l/n), what's got you smiling?" He questioned. I froze not knowing what to say. "Um.. nothing sir, just a thought." I answered, feeling the sweat drop from my forehead. He hummed and walked towards the front of the class. "Alright, your days of resting and being lazy ends now. As of today, you will begin your training for the sports festival. This will not be an easy task. The festival is in five days, which means you have five days to train. I expect you do your absolute best because if I don't think you're trying hard enough... I'll cute you from the festival." Aizawa said, with a serious expression on his face. I turned to Katsuki who was looking at Kirishima with that big ass grin he's always got. I sighed and slumped in my chair.

The class got rowdy, talking about how they'd finish in 1st and how they'd become the number one pro hero. I don't understand why everyone aims for number one. I mean.. yeah it pays well and all, but isn't saving the city more important than money? I groaned a bit louder than I should have, earning looks from every single person in the class. I felt my face turn hot. I put my head in my hands feeling embarrassed.

"(Y/n), can I speak with you after class?" Aizawa asked, making me push my head further into my hands. "Yes sir." I mumbled, thinking I was in trouble.

The lunch bell rang and I was about to head out with Katsuki until a certain old man reminded me that I needed to stay after. 'Fuck.' I sighed and sat back in my seat, squeezing my thighs together in anxiety. "So, miss (l/n), wanna tell me what you're problem is with the sports festival?" He questioned hovering over me, the warmth radiating off of his body to mine. I clenched my fists and tried to keep my cool. "I-it's just.. I don't see the importance of it and becoming the 'best hero' so that they can get more money.. s-shouldn't helping the citizens and their safety be enough?" I mumbled, afraid that the raven-haired man would yell at me. He raised his eyebrow in amusement and took a seat next to me. 'Great this is gonna be a while.'

"I'm surprised a kid of your age feels that way. Normally, kids like you would do anything for the top spot." He spoke. I only smiled awkwardly and twiddled my thumbs. "Hm, well I won't make you do the festival if you don't want to (y/n), you'll still be recognized based on your rank in class." This grabbed my attention. I looked at him with big eyes, thankful for not having to do the stupid sports festival. I smiled at the man and jumped up, running for the door. "Thank you so much Mr. Aizawa, you don't know how truly grateful I am!" I said in excitement, exciting the classroom before he could add anything else.

I ran towards the cafeteria, noticing the familiar spiky hedgehog hair look, but I didn't go towards him because I also noticed Kirishima with him. I kept my distance and sat with Izuku and Uraraka, still watching Katsuki from where I was and not listening to a single thing that came out of the couples mouths.

About 15 minutes had passed and the bell for class rang, which means we'd be officially starting our training when we walk into that classroom. Even though I'm not doing the festival, I wonder what was in store for us, and how hard the training would be. I walked anxiously to the class, shaking every step of the way.

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A/n: YOO I haven't updated this in a hot second! I'm so sorry. Schools just been busy and marching band is rOuGh sksksksk. Also, fun fact I moved to Colorado so I'm still getting settled in 😔. I love you readers and I hope to update this more often now ;-;

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