Chapter Seven🍋

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Bakugou licked my lower lip, asking for an entrance and I playfully denied, smiling as I did so. He grunted and grabbed my butt, squeezed it hard causing me to squeal. He to the opportunity to slip his wet muscle into my mouth, exploring his new territory.

He started to grind on me, making me moan his name. "B-Baku-gou.. mph... " He grinned and lifted my face up with his fingers, making me look into his intoxicating crimson red orbs. "I thought I told to call me Katsuki eh frosty?" He said seductively, not dismissing eye contact. I blushed and tried to turn away, but his strong fingers kept my face in place. "I-I'm sorry K-Katsu-ki..I-I forgot..." I replied, averting my eyes anywhere but his. I gave a devilish grin and leaned close to my ear. "Hm, why don't I make you remember my name eh (y/n)?" He whispered seductively, sending shivers down my body. This dominant side of Bakugou.. well Katsuki, was hot. It was quite a turn on and I wanted him to do more...

He picked me up with his hands purposefully squeezing my butt, making me squirm. "K-Katsuki.. p-put me down..." He ignored my request and continued to walk towards his room.

He threw me onto his bed, removing his shirt quickly. I bit my lip and stared.. more like drooled at the sight of his perfectly toned abs. He gave me a grin and leaned on top of me. "Like what you see don't ya?" I blushed and bit my lower lip. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him down and moved on top of him, straddling him. I slowly grinded on him, earning low groans and growls from. I felt his growing bulge brush against me, making me moan his name.

I held onto him around his neck, bringing myself down to kiss him. His touch drove me wild. His hands went up and down the sides of my body. I hummed at his touch.

He bit my lip, causing me to moan and pushed me off of him, making me lay down. He crawled on top of me and started kissing further down, stopping at my neck. He left hickeys and love bites all over my neck. "K-Katsuki~" I moaned as he found my sweet spot. I felt him grin in the crook of my neck. It must have encouraged his actions because he kept attacking and abusing that spot, eventually leaving a purple bruise.

He kissed the bruise and proceeded downwards. He played with the end of my.. rather his shirt and slowly lifted it up, leaving kisses and pecks on my stomach.

I squirmed as he lifted my shirt over my head. My hands quickly moved to my exposed chest, covering them up. I blushed and looked away. I heard him growl. He moved my hands and pinned them above my head with one hand. "You're so hot (y/n), don't cover yourself." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my body. I bit my lip and eased up, but he didn't release his grasp on my hands. His kissed down my neck once again, only he didn't stop there. He kissed down my cleavage. "Mhph.. K-Kat-suki ngh."

He teased me, licking my left nipple and blowing on it. "Katsuki..q-quit teasing me..." I heard that sexy chuckle of his making my womanhood more aroused. I squeezed my legs together trying to ease my aching feminine area. "Someones getting impatient hmm." He grinned, lowering his face towards my womanhood. He spread my legs and kissed my inner thigh, rubbing my other thigh softly. His touch was driving me insane.

He pulled my lacy (f/c) panties down with his teeth, looking me seductively in the eyes. I bit my lip trying to suppress my moans, but I couldn't hold all of them back.

I arched my back and screamed as I felt his warm tongue against my most sensitive area. He attacked my clit with his tongue, sending tingling sensations and waves of pleasure throughout my body. I gripped onto the bedsheets and moaned his name.

I gasped as I felt his fingers enter my womanhood. He pumped his finger in and out, increasing the pace with each moan I made. Every minute he'd add another finger, making my moans louder and more frequent. I couldn't take much more of this. "K-katsuki... I-I'm gonna.. ngh" I gripped the bed sheets and arched my back, cumming on his fingers.

He licked my juices up and slowly brought himself back up to my face, crashing his lips onto mine. I could taste my juices on his lips. He growled and stood up looking as if he were in distress. I looked down and noticed his bulge through his sweatpants. I bit my lip and got up, crouching down to meet his bulge with my face. I kissed it through his clothing earning a low growl from him. I smiled against his bulge.

I looked up at him in the eyes rubbing his bulge. I bit my lip and pulled his sweats and boxers down just below his manhood, letting it spring out. I gasped at the size and felt myself get wet. I wrapped my hand around him and swirled my tongue around his tip. A low moan escaped Katsuki's lips, satisfying me. I pushed his manhood into my mouth and pumped what wouldn't fit. I grazed my teeth against him lightly and hummed for his pleasure. I looked up at him, seeing his head leaned back. He grabbed a bunch of my hair and pushed my head back and forth aggressively. I looked up at him seeing his apologetic look. It wasn't long until he came. He released into my mouth and I swallowed it.

He picked me up and threw me back onto the bed, crawling on top of me and connecting our lips quickly.

He parted for air and moved to position himself at my entrance. I gasped as he pushed himself inside of me. "Katsuki... ngh I-I'm a virgin I-It hurts.." Tears filled my eyes. "Don't worry frosty, it'll feel good in a minute." He whispered, kissing my tears away.

He slowly went in and out, quickening his pace once he heard my soft moans. I was a moaning mess, screaming his name as if that was the only word I knew. 'He wasn't kidding when he said he'd make me remember it..'

My walls we're tightening with each thrust he made. "K-Katsu-ki.. I-I'm..." I didn't get to finish my sentence. I arched my back, gripping the bedsheets as I came around him, feeling him twitch inside me. He smirked at me and pulled out, releasing his sticky, warm substances on my stomach.

He crashed down next to me, panting and pulling me close to him. "You remember my name now?" He asked, smirking. I bit my lip and nodded.

I buried face into his chest, closing my eyes as replays of our little intimate moment played in my head.

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OMFG I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BELIEVE I WROTE THAT. 😭💀I HAVE SINNED but I'm pretty sure I was going down under anyways ekekekek. Tbh this was kinda my first 'lemon' ever and I think it was absolute gArBaGe. I'm probably just saying that because I'm so disgusted at myself for writing such things... BUT I'M STILL GONNA WRITE IT BECAUSE LMFAOO IDC! XD. Anywhooooo I'm gonna regret showing this icky chapter to the world lol.

Word Count: 1197

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