Chapter Seventeen

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Bakugou's POV:

School felt longer than ever as I sat in my desk, eager to get (y/n) right now. I wanted to save her so bad. At lunch, Deku spoke to me about what Iida said and now that nerd is joining us too. We are not going to get this done with lame rejects holding me back. I clenched my fists.

The bell rang and I bolted out of school, going straight home and packing anything I would need for this mission. I was desperate to save her. She loved me for me even though I am a complete ass. I treated her like shit and now she's gone. I cursed under my breath, punching the wall as I did so. 'I'm so sorry (y/n)...' I thought, gathering the rest if my things and leaving.

I walked to Deku's house, speed walking every step of the way. I knocked on the door continuously, waiting for Deku to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, I walked in and saw everyone else there. Todoroki, Kirishima, and Iida. "What the hell are you guys doing here so early?" I spat, glaring at Iida. "I assumed you wanted us to work quickly and efficiently right? I asked everyone to get here early just for you." The four-eyed freak said. I let out a 'tch' and set my stuff down on Deku's couch, then walking over to the computer Deku sat in after he let me in. "So you gotta plan or what?" I asked, looking at the computer screen. "Actually yes. I've discussed with Iida the past few days and we came up with a plan that may work. Now, it may draw a lot of attention so there is a possibility we will get in trouble for doing this without consulting the teachers..." He trailed on and on. "Just shut your trap and tell me the plan already." I spat, getting impatient. "R-right.. So wherever (y/n) is they must have her for a reason, so this is probably going to be quite hard. If the League has people to guard and fend us off we'll have to disband one by one and fight the villains ourselves. Now, Kacchan will not be fighting anyone, he will just take a straight shot towards (y/n). Everyone got it?" He asked. Everyone nodded. "Alright then... let's go get (y/n)!" Deku spoke, smiling the smile he always did.

As we arrived at the base where (y/n) was being held, we had to get a little more sneakier than we were before. We all made eye contact and nodded, proceeding into the unknown. 'I swear to God I will kill them if they laid a finger on her.' I thought, running through the long halls.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I gritted my teeth, angry at my so called "father". How could he do this. "Are you ready to do what you were born for?" Shigaragi spoke, grinning, his crusty lips cracking as be did so. "Tch, you won't take anything from me. I am not gonna sit here like the good little girl you think you cold hearted bastard!" I screamed, tugging at the chains. He only let out a chuckled, then undid the chains that were holding me to the chair, tugging me but the chains that were around my wrists.

We walked for what seemed like hours, down a straight path, going through a door that was surrounded by darkness. "I've brought the subject sir." Shigaragi said, pushing me to the ground. "Good. Set her up and prepare for the ceremony." His voice was dark and cold, sending shivers throughout my body. The little servants of theirs pulled me, strapping me down to a table. I tugged and tugged, hoping to free myself but failed. 'God dammit.. I wish I could use my quirk!' I thought in my mind, trying to come up with a strategy.

Some guy slipped a dose of some shit inside of me, making me weak and my eyes close. 'Stop it! Do not shut your eyes! Stop!' My heart raced, my eyes closing I felt dead. Like there was no life left in me. I could still move and hear, but my eyes just would not open, as if it were a drug to keep my eyes glued shut. "Alright little miss (l/n), get ready for the time of your life." The dark voice spoke. I could hear the smile in his voice.

Moments later I felt excruciating pain. I screamed and screamed, trying to move against the restraints that only made the pain worse. "Stop it! Stop it!" I screamed. Even though my eyes were closed, tears still fell, as I slowly stopped feeling anything at all. 'Is this what death feels like?' I thought as the once tremendous pain went away. They were still ripping out what life I had inside of me, but I could no longer feel anything.

I almost felt like I was on the verge of death, until I heard a familiar voice. "Let her go you damn bastards!" Katsuki yelled. My heart began to beat again. "Katsuki!" I yelled, feeling some sort of comfort. "I felt a slight touch on my arm, making me flinch only to realize it was Katsuki. "I've got you. You're okay." He spoke, loosening the restraints that bound me to the table. "I know you can't see, but you are going to have to run with me. Deku, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Iida are stalling for us okay?" He said. I nodded. He then grabbed my hand and took off. It was hard to keep up, but I knew I was in good hands. "You damn kids! Bring her back!" I heard Shigaragi say. I began to panic, but then I felt wind, realizing we were outside. "Katsuki... we are out?" I questioned. "Yes but you have to keep running." He replied, still going god knows where.

I couldn't keep up, and my body already felt drained from what they did to me. Withing seconds I felt my body drop to the ground, hearing nothing but light calls of my name from Katsuki. And with that, I was out, not being able to hear, or see, or even smell anything.

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A/n: It has been like a whole damn year since I've updated I am so sorry! I'm thinking about wrapping this up so yeah. Thank you for all the views and support through the making of this I love you all 🥺! Give me suggestions on a new book! I have a couple ideas but I'd like to see what you all want too. Anyways, thank you!

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