Chapter 1: Woman in white

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Third pov

The black chevy impala rolled onto the college grounds. To the teen inside, her brothers idea was terrible. Sam hadn't wanted to see them for the last two years, ignored phone calls, messages. Why would he want to see them in person? Dean was right though, they did need his help.

"Okay munchkin, follow me." (Y/n) sighed. "Sam is going to be so mad, does he even know we're here?" Dean avoided his question as he climbed through the window to one of the apartments. This was definitely a bad idea, but would Dean listen? Nooo, of course not. She cringed at the sounds that came from Dean climbing through the window.

Just as someone jumped on Dean (y/n) jumped back. She couldn't see well but soon Dean had him pinned to the floor. "Wow, easy there tiger." A look of disbelief crossed Sam's face. "Dean, you scared the crap outta me." Dean grinned. "That's because you're getting out of practice." Sam switched his grip and flipped them over. "Or not. Get off me." They got up from the floor. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well i was looking for a beer." Sam's eyes narrowed as he repeated himself. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Alright, we need to talk."

"The phone?" (Y/n) wanted to laugh. Like he would've picked up. "If i had called, would you have picked up?" Now Sam noticed (y/n) leaning against the wall. His baby sister timidly raised a hand in greeting. "Hi..."

The light switched on. "Sam?" A blonde girl looked looked confused as she saw Dean and (y/n). "Jess, hey. Dean, (y/n), this is Jessica, my girlfriend."

"Wait, your siblings?" (y/n) gave her a smile. "I love the smurfs." The smile turned into an eyeroll. "You know, i gotta tell you, you are completely out of my brothers league." Jess caught the teens eyeroll. "Let me just go put something on."

"No, no, no i wouldn't dream about it. Really. Besides we habe to borrow your boyfriend, talk about some family buissnes. It was nice meeting you."

"No. Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of her." (Y/n) looked at him in disbelief. Did he want her to find out avout the hunting life? Dean answered. "Alright. Dad hasn't been home for a few days."

"He's working overtime on a Miller-time shift. He'll stumble back sooner or later." (y/n) wanted to kick her brother. Did he really think they would ask for his help if it was that easy? Especially after the last interaction they had. She stepped up beside her oldest brother. "Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days." That seemed to actually catch his attention. "Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside."

In an effort to avoid Sam, who obviously didn't want to see them, (y/n) got into the backseat of the impala. She wasn't sure she could take hearing him reject their family again.

"I mean, come on. You can't just break in, in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the road." They walked down the stairs, both hearing their baby sister shut the door. "You're not hearing me Sammy, dad's missing and we need your help to find him."

"You remember the poltergeist in Amherst? Devil's Gate in Clifton? He was missing then. He's always missing, always fine." Dean sighed and turned to his brother. "Not like this, not this long. Now you coming with us or not?" Sam frowned. "I'm not."

"Why not?"

"I swore i was done hunting. For good." Dean started walking again. "It wasn't easy but it wasn't that bad."

"Yeah? When i told dad i was scared of the thing in my closet he gave me a .45."

"What was he supposed to do?"

Sam shook his head. "I was nine years old. He was supposed to say don't be afraid of the dark."

"Don't be afraid of the dark? You should be afraid of the dark! You know what's out there." Sam sighed internally. "I know. But the way we grew up after mom was killed.... The way (y/n) is growing up... Dad's obsession to find the thing that killed mom. But we still haven't found the damn thing. So we kill anything we can find."

"We save a lot of people doing it too." They looked at each other until Sam broke the silence. "You think mom would've wanted this for us? That (y/n)'s mom would have wanted this for her?" Dean gritted his teeth and went up the second set of stairs. "The weapon training? And melting silver into bullets? Man, Dean we were raised like warriors."

"So, what are you gonna do? You just going to live some normal apple-pie life?" He'd turned to look at Sam again. "No. Not normal. Safe." He noticed (y/n) watching from the car. She turned away before he could even give her a smile.

"So that's why you ran away?"

"I was just going to college. It was dad who said if i was gonna go, i should stay gone. That's what I'm doing."

"Well, dad's in trouble now and he's not dead yet, i can feel it." He sighed quietly. "We can't do this alone."

"Yes you can."

"Well, i don't want to."

"In two years, I've never asked you for a thing, never bothered you."

Sam shook his head slowly, he couldn't belive he was doing this. "Alright, I'll go. I'll help you find him but i have to be back first thing monday." He started back down the stairs. "Just wait here." Dean looked curious. "What's first thing monday?"

"I have this interview."
"What, a job interview? Skip it." Sam did his absolute best to hold his temper back. "It's a law school interview and it's my whole future on a plate."

Dean looked through the back window of baby where he could see (y/n) presumably sleeping with her head against the window. "Law school?"

"Do we have a deal or not?" At Dean's nod he started walking again.

Dean got into the drivers seat. "Is he coming?" (y/n)'s sleepy voice asked from the backseat. Dean looked back at her. "Thought you were sleeping munchkin." She gave him a look. "Yeah, he's coming with us. He's getting his things."

(Y/n) nodded slowly before curling up, preparing to go back to sleep. "I still don't think he'll stay with us." She mumbled.

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