*•*•*•*I'm Sollux *•*•*•*
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Eating pizza with a fork!twinArmageddons [TA] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~
Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
KANKRI: The g9vernment is n9w 9perating its railr9ads f9r the m9re effective pr9secuti9n 9f the war. Private 9wnership has 6r9ken d9wn utterly and the g9vernment has had t9 c9me t9 the rescue. We have always said that the pe9ple 9ught t9 9wn the railr9ads and 9perate them f9r the 6enefit 9f the pe9ple. We adv9cated that twenty years ag9. 6ut the capitalists and their henchmen emphatically 96jected. "Y9u have g9t t9 have 6rains t9 run the railr9ads," they tauntingly ret9rted. Well, the 9ther day McAd99, the g9vern9r-general 9f the railr9ads under g9vernment 9perati9n; discharged all the high-salaried presidents and 9ther supernumeraries. In 9ther w9rds, he fired the "6rains" 69dily and yet all the trains have 6een c9ming and g9ing 9n schedule time. Have y9u n9ticed any change f9r the w9rse since the "6rains" are g9ne? It is a 6rainless system n9w, 6eing 9perated 6y "hands." 6ut a g99d deal m9re efficiently than it had 6een 9perated 6y s9-called "6rains" 6ef9re. And this determines infalli6ly the quality 9f their vaunted, high-priced capitalist "6rains." It is the kind y9u can get at a reas9na6le figure at the market place. They have always given themselves credit f9r having superi9r 6rains and given this as the reas9n f9r the supremacy 9f their class. It is true that they have the 6rains that indicates the cunning 9f the f9x, the w9lf, 6ut as f9r 6rains den9ting real intelligence and the measure 9f intellectual capacity they are the m9st w9efully ign9rant pe9ple 9n earth. Give me a hu
TA: *2lowly eat2 hii2 piizza* that'2 one helluva 2twory you got there
KANKRI: gain, they tell y9u there is a c9al famine n9w in the state 9f 9hi9. The state 9f Indiana, where I live, is largely underlaid with c9al. There is practically an inexhausti6le supply. The c9al is 6anked 6eneath 9ur very feet. It is within t9uch all a69ut us-all we can p9ssi6ly use and m9re. And here are the miners, ready t9 enter the mines. Here is the machinery ready t9 6e put int9 9perati9n t9 increase the 9utput t9 any desired capacity. And three weeks ag9 a nati9nal 9fficer 9f the United Mine W9rkers issued and pu6lished a statement t9 the La69r Department 9f the United States g9vernment t9 the effect that the 600,000 c9al miners in the United States at this time, when they talk a69ut a c9al famine, are n9t permitted t9 w9rk m9re than half time. I have 6een ar9und 9ver Indiana f9r many years. I have 9ften 6een in the c9al fields; again and again I have seen the miners idle while at the same time there was a scarcity 9f c9al.
Kankri [KANKRI] disconnected.
TA: And how wiill thii2 affect the miiner2?
TA: Nooooo
TA: II wa2 iintere2ted
TA: Plea2e
TA: Baby nooooo
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Homestuck! MsPARP Adventures!
Short StorySome of my best and funniest MsPARP RPs! Okay... You caught me! I'm complete Homestuck trash I'm so sorry. *•*•*•* If anyone wants to request who I RP next please leave a comment or send me a message and I'll try to RP those characters for you!!*•...