Chapter 5

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He turns on the light and to my surprise it's not what I expected.

Instead of a surprise wedding ceremony,we walk into a cinema slightly larger than the ones I have at my place.

His family must be loaded af.

I'm a bit confused tho.

Why am I even here?

After turning on the light he looks at me and smiles so I smile back nervously.

"What are we doing in here Treyvon?"I ask.

"Okay so,I have my ways.I know you really wanted to watch Divergent last night,but never got the chance to so...I thought us watching it together would be a great way to officially apologize?..." he says then bites his bottom lip nervously due to my lack of response.

How did he know I wanted to watch Divergent?I don't remember telling him I wanted to watch it.

Is he stalking me or something?

Time to toy with him.

They say there's nothing sweater than payback.


"Wtf I don't want to be here.What made you think bringing me to your house and doing all this would make me forgive you easily?You're just like the rest of the guys who wave their money around to get their way.I'm not one of those girls!Take me home.Now!" I yell while studying his next reaction.

I'm trying to hard not to laugh.

I know this is cruel of me to do but that serves him right for sending people to spy on me yesterday and for being a jerk to me the other night.

"Oh I...I'm sorry.I just th...thought that...omg I'm so sorry yeah sure I'll take you home.I just need to..." he says while grabbing his keys nervously.He dropped them a few times.

His nervous reaction make me crack up with laughter.I'm literally arched over while holding onto a couch for balance dying from laughter.

He looks at me with a puzzled look on his face. "I don't understand." He says clearly confused.

After finally catching my breath I reply, "That's what you get for lying to me earlier.Should've told me I had 2 hours to get ready." I firmly say then wink at him.

I then step closer to him just to let him know he shouldn't mess with me ever again,only to walk right into a trap.


As soon as I turn around to walk away,he wraps his arms around my waste and turns me so that my back hits the nearest wall making me look at him.

Oh no,did I upset him?

His jaw is clenched tight and his eyes go dark.

He leans closer slowly and whispers into my ear, "You think you're smart huh Princess?Well guess what...I'm smarter." He says looking me dead in the eyes.

I seem to have lost my speech abilities.

He then brings his lips close enough for me to feel his hot minty breath against my lips and says "You want me to kiss you now don't you huh...?"

His tone is low and his words are so slow.This is causing my heart to skip a few beats.

"Stop..."I beg.

"Huh?" He says licking his lips and staring at mine...

I can feel my breathing begin to slow down.If he continues,I might just forget how to breathe.

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