Chapter 7

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Say no Veah say no!

Instead I say nothing.

I don't want to say anything to him after all the things he said.

Treyvon's P.O.V

She doesn't say a word as I enter her room and close the door behind me.

She looks so good right now.Is she trying to torture me? If so,it's working.

Her hair is in a messy bun and what she's wearing...don't get me started.

"Hi" she finally says while looking at me with a deadly facial expression.

Did what I said and do hurt her that much?...

I take a few steps closer and as I do so she lifts herself up to sit up straight so I had to stop in my tracks and glue my feet to the ground.

The position she was in while trying to sit up straight was so tempting so I just put my hands in my pocket to gain control of myself.

She then folds her arms while giving me a deadly glare.

If looks could kill I'd be 6 feet under right now.

She looks so hot right now it's crazy.She really should wear makeup less.She's even more gorgeous without it.

I would tell her but I don't want her to find that statement offensive.I don't know why girls find that offensive.It's the best compliment one can receive.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted" I manage to say while trying my best to keep my hands off her.

I won't do anything to her...I respect her way too much.

Before you think I'm creepy...I'm not.She's just really hot.Not only her body.

Her face is absolutely beautiful too.I have no doubt at all that her personality is also just as beautiful.

My mind is just playing games with me.

Knock it off!

Neveah's P.O.V

"I'm sorry about the way I acted" he says with a frown.

He's thinking about something...I wonder what.

Why did he waste so much petrol coming all the way here?

I don't want his stinking apology.He can gladly keep it.I don't care.

I won't allow someone get away with speaking to me the way he did.

"Treyvon you need to leave right now." I say while looking down and fiddling with my fingers.

I seem to do that a lot when I'm nervous.

I'm proud of myself for standing my ground.

He then strokes his hand through his beautiful curly hair and bites his lip.

Why's he being all cute?Does he know what that lip biting thing does to me?

My goodness.

"I know what I said was wrong and that I shouldn't have slammed the door in your face.It was so rude of me to do.I'm so sorry." He says now kneeling down in front of me.

He might as well get back up on his feet because that won't work on me.We don't do that here.

"And that's just suppose to fix everything?"

He then unfolds my arms and holds both my hands in his.This causes me to look at him.

Looking into his eyes is like looking up at the sky at night.

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