Chapter 29

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The next day we don't really do much at all.

We decide to take a day off from work related matters.Phones off and everything.

We put Tyler in charge of decision making because he knows how Treyvon thinks so it won't be a difficult job for him.

A week later,Treyvon and I decide to go for a baby shopping spree.

We decided to let them each have their own rooms but they will be right opposite each other.That way they don't wake each other in the middle of the night.

We agreed to pick which either the baby girl's room or  boy's room to decorate.

I'm in charge of the baby girl's room so I bought everything pink.

My baby girl will be treated like a princess.I then purchase lots of human sized teddy bears for me to lay on whenever I watch her sleep to make sure she's okay.

I want to decorate her room with everything girly in the store I'm in.

This is my first baby girl and hopefully my last.So I need to make sure she has everything perfectly ready for her when she arrives.

I fully trust Treyvon to make sure he gets the best decorations that money can buy for our baby boy.

Due to the fact that everything we both bought is way too large to fit into any of our cars,we decide to order a moving van to come collect everything for us.

Next Treyvon and I head to the fashion stores.

We start by the shoe store because it will be quicker.

I basically got all the girly shoes I could find and he did the same with the boys shoes.

I our defense,they have to have a pair of shoes for each and every outfit right?

We then go shopping for baby beds.

Because they are twins we decide to get the same for both of them but one is orange and the other is green.

As soon as we get strollers as well,we continue shopping for clothes together.

When I say we literally bought everything from the baby stores,I mean it literally.

We've got money right so we might as well spend it on the precious potatoes growing in my belly making me fat.

We then stop for food at a restaurant and chat away.

I know it seems like we took long to buy everything we bought but it really didn't.Kaylee and my friends came to help.

We parted ways as soon as we were done.

The restaurant we stopped to eat at is called Chippy Dippy.

I love burgers and they literally have the best burgers and fries in town.It's my favorite fast food restaurant.

I'm a bit exhausted from being on my feet the entire afternoon tho so we decide to order and collect our delicious food via the drive through.

When we get to the house,the moving van we hired is on it's way out of our driveway.

They have already set everything up in the nurseries.

All that my husband and I have to do is spend our money on whatever we want and the guards deal with the rest.

"I had fun today you know..."Treyvon says as he park the car in the garage.

I smile and respond, "Thank you so much for agreeing to come with me.I wasn't going to enjoy it without you.You made it fun."

"Well,I know I'm awesome and your life was boring before you met me but please stop you're making me blush."He teases making us both burst into laughter.

"You are so full of yourself babe."

"I mean,have you seen me?Anyone would be full of themselves if they looked this good and you know I'm right."

"What?"I laugh.

"Tell me I am right and I will stop princess."

"You're right."I finally give in only because he's extremely annoying and I know he will not let it go until I agree with him.

"Victory!"He cheers.

"I love having a husband."I say smiling.

"And I love how you love having a husband."He says before kissing my hand and laughing.

We've been happy like this for a long time now and I just really hope it stays this way for a very long time.

We have been through way too much in the past when we use to fight a lot.I do not ever want to go through any of that ever again.It was horrible.

Now everything is perfect.All it took was a minnie vacation to my dream destinations for us to be this happy and I will forever be grateful to him and Sayora for that.

He told me that they planned everything together because he was nervous and because she knew me better.

I'm glad I asked her to turn her car that day I was about to give up on Treyvon.If I actually did leave,I wonder where I would have ended up and with who.

He would probably still be sleeping around with Bernini or some other cheap attention seeker.

You know...he even stopped smoking weed just because I didn't like it.

Obviously he did not stop the second I told him I didn't like it.He stopped a year later but that does not really matter at all.I am just glad that in the end he finally did.

He treats everyone the exact same way he use to before he met me but he listens to me when I kindly show him that there are less cruel ways to deal with things.That is how we ended up working together.

A few years back I could not stand the site of guns.Now they are my best friends.They protect me.And they also look cool when I have them in my hands for decoration.

I begged Treyvon to train me and it took quite long for him to finally agree but in the end,my father told him it was important for me to know how to defend myself from all these family enemies.

I'm the wife of the most feared mafia on the planet.I refuse to be his damsel in distress.I need to be able to hold my own you know.

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