Chapter 23

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Neveah's POV

I don't want to ask him about the call because I know we will fight.

I don't want to ruin this perfect moment.I know him too well by now.His triggers.

Now that I know them,I don't think it's wise to keep pushing him.

If he wants me to know something,I believe he'll tell me himself.

When The society finishes,I head back to the kitchen to grab us some pizza before we both fall asleep.

Binge watching a series can be tiring no matter how nice it is.

We then enjoy ourselves some pizza while relaxing and listening to music.

The song playing now is Friends by dvsn &PARTYNEXTDOOR.

"You really love dvsn huh?" He asks smiling.

I look up at him and smile back.

"Yeah."I reply.

"You wanna act out the lyrics to their song In + Out?"He asks raising his brow at me and smirking.

"No I don't."I roll my eyes then smile.

"I'm joking."

No he's not.

"Maybe..."he adds.

"Arg."I laugh then take our dishes to the kitchen.

After washing them,I join Von in our room.

I'm so tired I could literally sleep right here on the floor and still sleep as peacefully as a baby would.

"Come here."He says patting the empty space next to him on the bed.

I hop in and scoot over so that I'm laying on his chest.

He seems to like when I do that so I might as well take advantage.

We then fall asleep to the song titled Losing control by Russ.

Perfect song to listen to when you're trying fall asleep.

We then both drift off to dream world.

I dreamt about Lizards and rats realizing humans are afraid of them so they dominated the world.

If that ever happens,we're dead.

When I wake up,Treyvon isn't here.

I then get up and find him in his study on a phone call.It looks a bit tense.

He's got a blunt in his hand and a glass of whiskey in front of him.

He looks up at me the moment he notices me standing by the door and continues with his conversation without breaking eye contact.

I then give a nervous smile and walk away.

I could use a bit of cake.

This is going to be harder than I thought.I need to hang in there though because me not asking about work related matters has seemed to keep the peace.

Whatever that phone call is about,has nothing to do with me so I shouldn't ask about it.

I'm doing this for my own sanity.

I manage to find chocolate cake with strawberries on top in the fridge and cut a slice.

"We will be landing shortly."The pilot says.

I then sit in the lounge and finish my cake in peace.I miss Rose's baking.Nobody in this universe bakes better than her I swear.

"Hey."Treyvon cheers before joining me.

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