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It was the middle of the night. The forests surrounding the Romanian city were blanketed in shadows, illuminated only by the light of the moon and stars. The forest was quiet, save for the sound of a man running through it.

He wore a black hooded cloak, black pants, and black boots. The hood covered his dark brown hair, while hiding the panic and worry in his dark brown eyes.

He couldn't think. He just had to get to the castle.

He tried to change into another form to travel faster, but he couldn't. He cursed under his breath. He lacked the energy he needed and as a result, his powers were severely weakened. Regardless, he knew he had to get to the castle and inform everyone what had happened. So he summoned the strength he needed and ran faster.

He saw a mansion in the distance and watched as it shifted into a castle before his very eyes. A clever trick to hide the castle from mortal eyes.

He rushed towards it. The gates got closer and closer and the situation became more dire as he neared them.

He was almost there. So close. The castle was so close.

Just a few...



The thought of finally delivering the news he had, gave him the energy he needed to carry on even as his body tired.

So close. He was so close.

A bit of relief shot through his body as he finally stumbled up to the gates. He had made it.

"Who goes there?!" a sentry demanded from above the gates.

"William Whitehale!" the man replied, "I need to see the Princes and Princesses immediately!"

The sentry's eyes widened as he heard the man's name.

"Apologies, Ser Whitehale, you may enter," the sentry replied as he opened the gates. William rushed through the gates and entered the castle.

He found himself in a dark, dimly lit foyer. He looked around, searching for anyone who might know where to find the Princes and Princesses. Windows lined the foyer on either side, and the moonlight coming through them had been blocked thanks to the black curtains that covered the windows. Square pillars made of black marble framed the windows. There was a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The man looked in front of him and found a massive grand staircase that had a blood red runner, running down the center of the steps. This runner extended all the way across the foyer and stopped at the front door.

"I'm glad to see that you've made it home safely, William," a voice stated.

William whirled around and found a man with light brown hair and pale green eyes standing there.

"Malcolm, my friend," William greeted him.

"You seem troubled," Malcolm noted as he took in William's appearance and the worry in his eyes, "What has happened?"

"The King..." William struggled to say, "He's dead."

Malcolm's eyes widened.

"What?!" he asked in shock, "How?!" Malcolm was appalled. He was the King's right hand man and best friend. He had spent centuries serving him. Now his friend was gone.

"The Hunters killed him. Our King managed to take a few down with him, but..." William trailed off, not wanting to discuss it further, "Where are the Princes and Princesses?"

"They're in the study," Malcolm replied as he led William down the hall, "None of them could sleep knowing their Father was out there fighting for his life. And I suspect that none of them will be able to sleep after this."

Malcolm and William reached the study and Malcolm knocked on the door before entering. There were three men and three women in the study.

The eldest of six siblings was pacing the length of the fireplace. His black hair was dishevelled and his stormy gray eyes were tired. It was clear to Malcolm that the eldest Prince, Damien, had gotten no sleep that night. He stopped pacing when he saw Malcolm.

The second eldest of the children, Princess Starlene, sat in the armchair, near the fireplace, drawing in a sketchbook, trying to distract herself from the worry that was consuming her. Her gray eyes looked at Malcolm hopefully as soon as he entered and that look she gave him made his heart sink.

The third eldest, Prince Gabriel, was sitting on the couch next to his younger sister, the third youngest of the six children, Princess Sorina. His coal coloured eyes were guarded, trying to hold it together for his siblings, while her coal coloured eyes held concern and worry. The two of them looked at Malcolm expectantly.

The second youngest of the six children, Prince Stefan, stood nearby. The worry in his gray eyes was evident as he looked over at Malcolm.

The youngest of the six children, Princess Alexandra sat on a couch with her head in her hands. She was trying to hold it together. She looked up when she saw Malcolm. Her coal coloured eyes held worry.

Three pairs of gray eyes and three pairs of coal coloured eyes were looking at him. Each of filled with hope and worry. It made Malcolm feel terribly guilty. They were going to be devastated when they heard the news he and William had to share.

"My Princes, my Princesses, Ser Whitehale has returned," Malcolm told them. William entered and knelt before the six royal children.

"Ser Whitehale, where is our Father?" Starlene asked, her melodious voice fraught with concern.

William took a deep breath, trying to find the words to tell these six children they were orphans now.

"I regret to inform you that the King has fallen," William told them.

"No! He's not dead! He can't be!" Sorina cried as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"I am so sorry, Princess," William told Sorina.

"Your task was to protect him. What happened?" Damien growled.

"The King went to face the Hunters, a few soldiers were present, but we were busy fighting more of the Hunters," William explained, "Our King fought, but he was overpowered. He was killed but managed to bring down a few hunters with him."

Damien tossed his glass of whiskey into the fireplace. He was angry and felt his eyes filling with tears, but he wouldn't let them fall, not yet. Sorina and Alexandra cried loudly for their father. Gabriel's eyes held tears and he let them fall. Starlene glanced at her sketch of her parents and began to cry. Stefan did his best to comfort a devastated Sorina and Alexandra.

"We will have to crown one of you as the new King or Queen," Malcolm told them, "You may decide amongst yourselves if you'd like."

Traditionally, the King was supposed to choose a successor from amongst his children. However, the six siblings knew that their Father could never choose just one of them to rule. He had always told them that he wanted them to rule together, as equals, in order to establish a new order.

"The six of us will rule together," Damien stated firmly, "As equals."

"That's how our Father wanted it to be," Starlene said through her tears.

"Damien will have a bit more power since he will get the deciding vote when needed, but we will all rule as equals," Stefan told Malcolm as Sorina, Alexandra, and Gabriel nodded in agreement.

"Very well," Malcolm agreed.

"The King's remains should arrive tomorrow," William told the six royals. Sorina cried even harder.

"There's also the issue of the promise your Father made to the late Lord Mercer," Malcolm told the six royals, "He swore to protect Lord Mercer's daughter."

"Then we shall do the same," Damien vowed, "In order to honour our Father's promise, the six of us will ensure that the daughter of Lord Mercer is protected."

Malcolm nodded.

The six siblings buried their Father two days later and after another two weeks, they all ascended the throne. But their eyes were still haunted by their Father's death. Yet, they knew in their hearts that they had to be strong. They had to become the rulers they were meant to be. The rulers their Father would have wanted them to be.

Blood of Darkness | Eternal Bonds: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now