Chapter Eighteen

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AN: So we're going to switch gears for a second and look at things from Damien's point of view before returning to Selena. You might see this switching a lot for the next little bit just because I want to showcase their bond. Also Marius is not a very nice person and there's a trigger warning in effect for the torture he puts Selena through.

This chapter is a bit shorter, sorry about that. There's also a video clip in this chapter of a melody for a piano and harp duet and it's something I think that Damien and Selena would play.

Side note: Chapters 1-17 will be updated soon. Nothing major, just some minor grammar fixes. Big thank you to @AnonymousRealist for catching my mistakes.

Anyway enjoy! And be sure to comment as you read and vote!



She was gone. Marius had taken her.

"Damien, what do we do?"

And I had been powerless to stop him.

"Damien!" Starlene shouted at me, "Look at me!"

I turned to look at my sister, the pain and despair in my eyes was evident to her.

"Don't you dare fall into despair!" Starlene told me, "It's not over! Not yet!"

She was right. It wasn't over. Selena was still in there. I had heard her in my head. Thank goodness for the bond formed through blood sharing. Selena wasn't gone, she was just lost. Enthralled by Marius.

I rushed off towards the castle and my siblings and Malcolm chased after me. I went into the shared study and unrolled a map of Blackfell and the surrounding area on the table in the middle or the room.

"Blackfell and the surrounding area?" Gabriel asked, "You think she's nearby?"

"I can feel her, Gabe," I replied, "He and Hayley couldn't have taken her far. No one has enough power to teleport extreme distances."

"And how exactly are you able to sense her?" Gabriel asked.

"We shared blood," I replied.

Gabriel's eyes widened in shock.

"But that's—" he started to protest, but Starlene smacked him upside the head, effectively ending his tirade before it began.

"We're happy for you, Damien, and we'll do everything we can to help you get her back," Starlene promised.

"We're happy for you, Damien, and we'll do everything we can to help you get her back," Starlene promised

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