Chapter Twenty Seven

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AN: So anyone ever wonder what happened to the Fledgling Trio (Leon, Ava, and Ella) and where they've been all this time? Well rest assured you will find out in this chapter! Hope you all enjoy and as always be sure to drop some in-line comments and let me know your thoughts! Now onward and forward to Chapter Twenty Seven!



I walked into the throne room that evening and took in my surroundings. The windows ran from the floor to the ceiling and black marble pillars lined the room. There was a balcony above that overlooked the throne room. We all called it the gallery. Both the main floor of the throne room and the gallery were lined with and lit up by sconces.

The ceiling of the throne room was entirely glass and I had memories of laying on the floor of it as a boy and watching the stars. Starlene often joined me on those excursions, which always involved sneaking out of our rooms, evading the maids, before reaching our favourite spot to watch the stars.

I turned my attention to the thrones. There were six of them and they were all made of black stone and had black cushions on the seats and backs. Each throne was different though and suited each of us.

Sorina's throne was studded with aquamarines for her love of the sea, and the armrests of her throne had shells on it, symbolizing her powers over water.

The back and arms of Gabriel's throne was decorated with swords, signifying his battle prowess, and there were little bolts of lightning on the arms of his throne, reminding everyone of his power over lightning.

Starlene's throne was covered with wispy black tendrils, symbolizing the shadows that walked around her, and the armrests of her throne had stars on them, symbolizing her love of the peaceful night sky.

The back of Stefan's throne was covered by a wispy wind design, reminding everyone of his dominion over wind, and the armrests of his chair held a few tiger's eye stone, which symbolized his his courage and confidence.

My throne was covered with blood stones and onyx, which were not only the two stones that allowed vampires to walk in the sun, they were the colours of the Black Moon Roses, which used to remind me of my Mother, but now they reminded me of Selena. However, most people viewed the bloodstones and onyx ornaments on my throne as symbols of power since those stones were the most powerful stones in the supernatural world. The base of my throne was covered by black flames, reminding those in the room of my fiery abilities.

Then my eyes landed on Alexandra's throne. The back was made to look like numerous vines tied together and the arms were designed the same way, which showed off her earth abilities. There were a few zircon stones in her throne as well, further tying her to the earth. My heart ached as I realized her throne would need to be removed from the room.

The thrones themselves sat on a raised platform, about five steps off the ground and as I looked up at the thrones, I noticed that Sorina, Starlene, and Gabriel were each already seated on theirs. Stefan was still nowhere to be found, and so he wasn't present for this meeting.

I looked up at the gallery and noticed it was full of spectators wanting to hear what was said in this meeting and among them were Gabriel's Fledglings, Ella, Ava, and Leon. The three of them had been sent away to Gabriel's private residence on the East Side of Blackfell in order to repent for their mistakes. Gabriel had been spending a lot of time there recently, teaching them and seeing if they were truly sorry for what they had done. And it seemed they had earned his forgiveness, since I noticed they were wearing their Daylight Talismans, the same ones that Gabriel had originally confiscated as punishment for their mistakes.

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