Chapter Eight

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AN: Before we get into chapter eight, let me just say that I love it when you guys comment, it gives me a chance to engage with you guys. So, please, don't forget to drop some comments as you read this chapter. Alright onward and forward into chapter eight!



After the discussion that we had in the secret room, I noticed that Damien wasn't so guarded around me anymore. Something had changed between us since that day and I wasn't sure if he noticed it, but he had slowly started to change. He laughed and smiled more often than he used. Even his siblings had noticed. Starlene actually pulled me aside one day and thanked me for making Damien happy. Her exact words were, "I don't know what you did, but he's so much happier than he used to be. I think he's finally starting to heal. Thank you, Selena. Thank you for bringing back the brother that has been lost to me for all these years." I wasn't entirely sure if I could take credit for the change in Damien, but I liked to think that I had a small part in it.

I soon found myself falling into a routine in the castle and I was shocked when I realized that I felt more at home here than I ever did in the mortal world. When I realized that, I wasn't sure what I was going to do after the Drakes finally found and dealt with my attacker.

My days were often spent in the hidden room, playing my harp or in the art studio that Damien had set up for once he discovered my love of painting. While my nights were either spent taking walks in the garden with Damien or playing together in the hidden room. I hadn't realized how much I enjoyed his company until one day, when he didn't show up for our walk in the gardens. I stood, waiting by the entrance to the gardens and looked around. I frowned. Damien was always on time, but right now he was twenty minutes late. Where was he? I knew I shouldn't have been upset, seeing as Damien had to help govern the supernatural world, which was a pretty important job, but that didn't change the fact that I was a little annoyed by the fact that he was late.

"Selena?" I heard a voice ask. I turned around to find Ava standing there.

"Ava?" I asked, "What are you doing here?"

"The High One sent me," she told me, "He said you'd be here waiting for him." I silently rejoiced when she said those words, so he hadn't forgotten about our walk.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Last time I saw him, he'd locked himself in his study with the other Drakes, but I'm not sure if he's still there," Ava stated, "He saw me in the hall and asked me to find you before rushing away. He looked a little stressed and I've never really seen him like that." I relaxed for a moment. I knew he hadn't forgotten me, he just had to deal with some something. But then I thought about it and my relaxed mood vanished. Ava said he looked stressed and I felt a rush of alarm course through my veins. What had happened to worry Damien? Whatever it was, it couldn't have been good.

Ava took me back to my room and we played cards for the rest of the evening.

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