Chapter Twenty Five

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AN: So I'm still hiding because of what happened at the end of the last chapter. Cool thing about this chapter: regardless of what happened in the last chapter, this is a Damien chapter! He takes some huge steps in this chapter! Hope you all enjoy! Be sure to drop some comments as you read! Now onward and forward to Chapter Twenty Five!



"No, no, no!" Stefan cried, as he tried to shake Alexandra awake, "You're not dead! You are not dead!"

"Did I hear that correctly?" I heard Malcolm ask through Starlene's phone.

"You did Malcolm," Damien replied as tears began to stream down Starlene's cheeks. Calder wrapped his arms around her, doing everything he could to ease her pain.

Malcolm sighed sadly.

"I'll begin the funeral preparations," Malcolm told the Drakes, "Where would you like her to be buried?"

"Next to our parents," Damien replied.

"As you wish," Malcolm replied, "I'll see you all back at Cygnus Keep later."

There was a click, so it was safe to assume that Malcolm had ended the call.

The door of the apartment opened and in came Gabriel carrying a small vial of Valerian.

"I didn't realize how rare Valerian was," he told us, "It took some convincing, but I got a witch to part with some of hers."

Stefan tackled Gabriel and pinned him against the wall by his throat. Damien stood up and turned to Stefan.

"Let go of him, Stefan!" Damien commanded.

"Shut up, Damien!" Stefan growled, his eyes blazing red. I could feel the anger and betrayal rolling off him in waves. Stefan turned to Gabriel. "It took you hours to get that tiny amount of Valerian?!"

"What was I supposed to do?" Gabriel choked out, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a witch to part with such a rare herb?"

"Well congratulations, frate!" Stefan hissed, "Because of your lack of persuasiveness, our sister is dead!" Gabriel's eyes widened in shock and that only seemed to fuel Stefan's fury. "She's dead, Gabriel, and it's all your fault!"

Suddenly, Stefan was pulled back, off of Gabriel. Gabriel fell to the floor, gasping for air. Judging by the expression on his face, this wasn't the first time that Stefan had pinned him against a wall in a choke hold.

"You are way out of line, Stefan!" Damien growled as he pulled Stefan away from the fallen, and currently very vulnerable, Gabriel, "Get a grip! I get it, you lost a sister, but so did the rest of us! Just because you're upset, doesn't mean you get to take it out on Gabriel! It's not his fault. None of us killed Alexandra, Stefan!"

Stefan freed himself from Damien's grasp and stormed out of the apartment.

"Should we go after him?" Sorina asked, concerned for her younger brother.

"Are you crazy?! Did you not see what just happened?! Stefan nearly cut off my air supply!" Gabriel exclaimed.

"Wouldn't be the first time that's happened, Gabe," Damien stated, before turning to Sorina, "No, give Stefan some time to cool off. He and Lex were close. She was the only one of us who believed in him when he vouched for Marius. She stood by his side when the rest of us didn't. She was the only one of us he was willing to let in. Lex wasn't just his sister, she was his grounding mechanism, his voice of reason."

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