Chapter Twenty Nine

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AN: So we're going to switch gears for the first little bit of this chapter. Remember Mason? The Hunter who the Drakes caught the night Alexandra died? Well we're going to visit him for the first little bit. Hope you all enjoy and as always, please remember to drop some comments as you read and vote! Now onward and forward to Chapter Twenty Nine!



The next night, I ventured down to the dungeons with Sorina at my side. We past by numerous guards, who bowed before us. I should have been down here with Starlene, but she was with Calder, and despite the fact that I was happy that they were finally together, I'd rather not see my sister in bed with my best friend, if I could help it. Gabriel was busy consoling Ava and Leon after Ella's execution, so he was out. And Stefan was still no where to be found. Which left me with no choice, but to take Sorina down with me. Don't get me wrong, I loved Sorina and respected her. It was just that part of me still viewed Sorina as being a little girl, one that I didn't want seeing me possibly torture a Hunter, namely Mason Wilder.

We walked down the spiral staircase that lead to the dungeons and the farther we went, the less light there was. At least the hall was lit with torches, rather medieval, but really, who would put modern lighting in a dungeon?

We reached a large door and I turned to the guard.

"My sister and I would like to see the prisoner," I told him. He nodded and opened the cell door. Sorina and I entered and found Mason sitting on a chair, wearing handcuffs. I heard a click as the door locked behind us, proper protocol to prevent any prisoners from escaping.

Mason looked up when he saw us.

"I was wondering when you'd come down to see me," he stated. He wasn't being sarcastic, which puzzled me. Mason didn't have the same sarcastic attitude that a lot of other Hunters did.

"I had some things to deal with upstairs," I replied.

"I get it," Mason replied as I sat down across from him, "You guys rule the vampires right?"

"That's right," I replied, maintaining my stoic expression, not wanting to reveal any ounce of emotion to him. I wasn't sure what he wanted just yet.

"It's Damien right?" Mason asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"And you're Sorina," Mason said as he nodded at my sister, "I've heard of you both from the League of Light." I raised an eyebrow at that and he sighed. "Right, you've come to ask me about that," he stated.

"Not just that," I replied, "But the League of Light is a good place to start. Tell me your story Mason." He seemed hesitant to speak, so I decided to try something else. "Look, Mason, I get it you're scared," I told him, "You're in a dark cell in a castle full of vampires, but believe me when I say things could be a lot worse for you. You could be chained to a wall and I could be standing in front of you with a knife. But you told me that you were forced to become a Hunter, that you never wanted to be one in the first place. So it seems to me that you don't have anything to hide and therefore, nothing to be scared of. If it makes you feel better, I promise that no one will harm you while you're here. You may be stuck in this cell, Mason, but that doesn't mean that things are going to get worse for you. Tell me your story, you've got nothing to lose."

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